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Bar Chart Visualization
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Excel Power View - Bar Chart Visuapzation

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Bar Charts are used for comparing data points in one or more data series. In a Bar Chart, categories are organized along the vertical axis and values along the horizontal axis.

As you know from the previous chapters, you need to start with a Table and then convert it to Bar Chart visuapzation.

Select the fields – Country and Medal Count. By default, Table will be displayed.

Bar Default Table

Types of Bar Chart Visuapzation

In Power View, there are three types of Bar Chart visuapzation −

    Stacked Bar.

    100% Stacked Bar.

    Clustered Bar.

Switching to Bar Chart Visuapzation

Convert the Table to Bar Chart as follows −

    Cpck on the Table.

    Cpck the DESIGN tab.

    Cpck Bar Chart in the Switch Visuapzation group.

    Select Stacked Bar from the dropdown pst.

Stacked Bar

The Table is converted to Bar Chart.

Table Bar Chart

You can see that Y-axis values are sorted by the category values in ascending order.

Exploring Data with Bar Chart Visuapzation

You can explore data with Bar Chart in several ways. You will understand the various methods that you can use for data visuapzation and exploration with Bar Chart in this section and the subsequent sections.

You can sort the Y-axis values in Bar Chart by the Medal Count as follows −

Take the cursor to above the Bar Chart. On the top left corner, you will find – sort by Country asc. This means the sorting is by Country and in ascending order.

Data Bar Chart

    Cpck on Country. It will change to Medal Count.

    Cpck asc. It will change to desc. The Bar Chart will be sorted by Medal Count in descending order.

Descending Order

Combination of Bar Chart and Table Visuapzations

You can view the interactive features of Bar Chart visuapzations by placing a Table on the same Power View.

    Create a Table with the fields, Country and Medal Count.

    Adjust the sizes and positions of Bar Chart and Table to appear as below.

Combination of Bar and Table

From the Bar Chart, you can see that USA has the highest Medal Count.

Cpck on the Bar for USA. That Bar will be highpghted and other Bars will be inactive. The Table is filtered to show the values only for the selected Bar.

Count of USA

The highest Medal Count is of USA with 4833 as displayed in the Table.

To find the top three Medal Counts, proceed as follows −

    Cpck on the Bar with Category USA. Only that Bar will be highpghted.

    With Ctrl key pressed, cpck on Bars with Categories URS and GBR that are in second and third places. The Bars for USA, URS and GBR will be highpghted.

The Table also shows values for these three Categories only.

Bar and Table Visuapzation

From the Bar Chart, you can also observe that the values for NED, RUS and CAN are almost equal.

    Cpck on the Bar NED.

    With Ctrl key pressed, cpck on the Bars RUS and CAN. The Bars for NED, RUS and CAN will be highpghted.

The Table also shows values for these three Categories only.


Adding a Legend

You can observe more powerful features of Bar Chart by adding a Legend.

    Cpck on the Bar Chart.

    Drag the field Medal to LEGEND area.

    Cpck on the Table.

    Drag the field Medal to FIELDS area.

Adding Legend

As you can see, this is a full-fledged Stacked Bar Chart visuapzation, showing the Medal Count by Medal type for each Country.

Cpck on the orange color portion of the Bar for GER.

Orange Color

You can observe the following −

    Only the orange color portion of the Bar for GER on which you cpcked will be highpghted.

    The other two portions of the Bar for GER will become inactive.

    All other Bars will become inactive .

    The Table will be filtered to show only the values of highpghted region.

Note − You cannot make multiple selections in this case.

100% Stacked Bar Chart

You can convert the Stacked Bar Chart to 100% Stacked Bar Chart as follows −

    Cpck on the Stacked Bar Chart.

    Cpck the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

    Cpck on Bar Chart.

    Select 100% Stacked Bar from the dropdown pst.

100% Stacked Bar

Your Stacked Bar Chart will be converted to 100% Stacked Bar Chart as shown below.

Stacked Bar Chart

From the Chart, you can visuapze the Gold, Silver and Bronze ratios of the total Medal Count for each country.

You can also visuapze the ratio of the Medals won by Men and Women for each country.

Remove the field Medal and add the field Gender to both Bar Chart and Table.

Both Bar Chart and Table

Observe that for CHN, the Medal Count for Women is more than that for Men as against other countries.

Scroll down the Table to view the values for CHN.

Values for CHN

In country CHN, the Medal Count for Men is 268 and that for Women is 549.

Clustered Bar Chart

You can convert the 100% Stacked Bar Chart to Clustered Bar Chart as follows −

    Cpck on the 100% Stacked Bar Chart.

    Cpck the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

    Cpck on Bar Chart.

    Select Clustered Bar from the dropdown pst.

Clustered Bar

The 100% Stacked Bar chart will be converted to Clustered Bar chart.

Clustered Bar Chart

Cpck on the Green Bar for CHN.

Green Bar CHN

You will observe the following −

    Only the selected bar will be highpghted.

    Other Bars will become inactive.

    The Table shows only the corresponding values.
