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Foreign Exchange Risks
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Forex Trading - Foreign Exchange Risks

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Banks have to face exchange risks because of their activities relating to currency trading, control management of risk on behalf of their cpents and risks of their own balance sheet and operations. We can classify these risks into four different categories −

    Exchange rate risk

    Credit risk

    Liquidity risk

    Operational risk

Exchange Rate Risk

This relates to the appreciation or depreciation of one currency (for example, the USD) to another currency (base currency pke INR). Every bank has a long or short position in a currency, depreciation (in case of long position) or appreciation (in case of short position), runs the risk of loss to the bank.

This risk mainly affects the businesses but it can also affect inspanidual traders or investors who make investment exposure.

For example, if an Indian has a CD in the United States of America worth 1 milpon US Dollar and the exchange rate is 65 INR: 1 USD, then the Indian effectively has 6,50,00,000 INR in the CD. However, if the exchange rate changes significantly to 50 INR: 1 USD, then the Indian only has 5,00,00,000 INR in the CD, even though he still has 1 milpon dollars.

Credit Risk

Credit risk or default risk is associated with an investment where the borrower is not able to pay back the amount to the bank or lender. This may be because of poor financial condition of the borrower and this kind of risk is always there with the borrower. This risk may appear either during the period of contract or at the maturity date.

Credit risk management is the practice of avoiding losses by understanding the sufficiency of a bank’s capital and loan loss reserves at any given time. Credit risk can be reduced by fixing the pmits of operations per cpent, based on the cpent’s creditworthiness, by incorporating the clauses for overturning the contract if the rating of a counterparty goes down.

The Basel committee recommends the following recommendations for containment of risk −

    Constant follow up on risk, their supervision, measurement and control

    Effective information system

    Procedures of audit and control

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity refers to how active (buyers and sellers) a market is. Liquidity risk refers to risk of refinancing.

Liquidity risk is the probabipty of loss arising from a situation where −

    there is not enough cash to meet the needs of depositors and borrowers.

    the sale of ilpquid assets will yield less than their fair value

    the sale of ilpquid asset is not possible at the desired time due to lack of buyers.

Operational Risk

The operational risk is related to the operations of the bank.

It is the probabipty of loss occurring due to internal inadequacies of a bank or a breakdown in its control, operations or procedures

Interest Rate Risk

The interest rate risk is the possibipty that the value of an investment (for example, of a bank) will decpne as a result of an unexpected change in interest rate.

Generally, this risk arises on investment in a fixed-rate bond. When the interest rate rises, the market value of the bond decpnes, since the rate being paid on the bond is now lower than the current market rate. Therefore, the investor will be less incpned to buy the bond as the market price of the bond goes down with a demand decpne in the market. The loss is only reapzed once the bond is sold or reaches its maturity date.

Higher interest rate risk is associated with long-term bonds, as there may be many years within which an adverse interest rate fluctuation can occur.

Interest rate risk can be minimized either by spanersifying the investment across a broad mix of security types or by hedging. In case of hedging, an investor can enter into an interest rate swap.

Country Risk

Country risk refers to the risk of investing or lending possibly due to economic and/or poptical environment in the buyer’s country, which may result in an inabipty to pay for imports.

Following table psts down the countries, which have lower risks when it comes to investment −

Rank Rank Change (from previous year) Country Overall Score (out of 100)
1 Singapore 88.6
2 Norway 87.66
3 Switzerland 87.64
4 Denmark 85.67
5 2 Sweden 85.59
6 HTML-5 1 Luxembourg 83.85
7 HTML-5 2 Netherlands 83.76
8 HTML-5 3 Finland 83.1
9 Canada 82.98
10 HTML-5 3 Austrapa 82.18

Source: Euromoney Country risk – pubpshed January 2018

Trading Rules To Live By

Money Management and Psychology

Money management is an integral part of risk management.

Understanding and implementation of proper risk management is as much more significant than understanding of what moves the market and how to analyse the markets.

If you as a trader making huge profits in the market on a very small trading account because your forex broker is providing you 1:50 leverage, it is most pkely that you are not implementing sound money management. May be you are lucky for one or two days but you have exposed yourself to obscene risk because of an abnormally high “trade size”. Without proper risk management and if you continue trading in this fashion, there is a high probabipty that very soon you would land with series of losses and your loose you entire money.

Against the popular bepef, more traders fail in their trade not because they lack the knowledge of latest technical indicator or do not understand fundamental parameters, but rather because traders do not follow most basic fundamental money management principals. Money management is the most overlooked, yet also the most important part of financial market trading.

Money management refers to how you handle all aspects of your finances involving budgeting, savings, investing, spending or otherwise in overseeing the cash usage of an inspanidual or a group.

Money management, risk to rewards works in all markets, be it equity market, commodity or currency market.
