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WebdriverIO Tutorial

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WebdriverIO - Data Driven Testing
  • 时间:2024-03-18 17:59:02

WebdriverIO - Data Driven Testing

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成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要


成员:星期二 内容提要

Driven Testing

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const s =require( fs )

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let c = JSON.parse(s.readFileSync( test/testData/test1.json ))

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成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

Case Over

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成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

成员:星期二 内容提要

//import chai pbrary
const c = require( chai ).expect
//pbrary for parsing JSON file
const s =require( fs )
let h = JSON.parse(s.readFileSync( test/testData/test1.json ))
// test suite name
describe( Tutorialspoint apppcation , function(){
   //iterate the test case
   h.forEach(  ({email,password})  =>{
      //test case
      it( Data Driven testing , function(){    
         // launch url
         browser.url( https://www.pnkedin.com/login )  
         //identify the email field then enter key - email
         //identify password field then enter key - password
         //identify Sign in button then cpck
         $("button[type= submit ]").cpck() 
         //verify error message
         const e = $( #error-for-password )
         console.log(e.getText() +   - Error Text ) 
         //verify Alert text with Chai assertion
         c(e.getText()).to.equal("The password you provided must have at least 6     characters.")

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npx wdio run wdio.conf.js 

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Case Over Screen

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