- WebdriverIO - Discussion
- WebdriverIO - Useful Resources
- WebdriverIO - Quick Guide
- Generate HTML reports from Allure
- Execute Tests with Mocha Options
- Running Tests from command-line parameters
- WebdriverIO - Data Driven Testing
- WebdriverIO - Running Tests in Parallel
- WebdriverIO - Waits
- WebdriverIO - JavaScript Executor
- WebdriverIO - Capturing Screenshots
- WebdriverIO - Debugging Code
- WebdriverIO - Alerts
- WebdriverIO - Scrolling Operations
- WebdriverIO - Multiple Windows/Tabs
- Chai Assertions on webelements
- WebdriverIO - Handling Radio Buttons
- WebdriverIO - Cookies
- WebdriverIO - Double Click
- WebdriverIO - Drag & Drop
- WebdriverIO - Frames
- WebdriverIO - Hidden Elements
- Handling Child Windows/Pop ups
- WebdriverIO - Mouse Operations
- Handling Checkboxes & Dropdowns
- WebdriverIO - Browser Navigation Commands
- WebdriverIO - Handling Browser Size
- WebdriverIO - General Browser Commands
- WebdriverIO - Happy Path Flow
- Expect Statement for Assertions
- WebdriverIO - Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - Class Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - Tag Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - ID Locator
- WebdriverIO - Link Text Locator
- WebdriverIO - CSS Locator
- WebdriverIO - Xpath Locator
- WebdriverIO - Wdio.conf.js file
- WebdriverIO - VS Code Intellisense
- WebdriverIO - Configuration File generation
- Selenium Standalone Server Installation
- WebdriverIO - Mocha Installation
- WebdriverIO - Package.json
- WebdriverIO - VS Code Installation
- WebdriverIO - Installation of NPM
- WebdriverIO - Getting Started with NodeJS
- WebdriverIO - Architecture
- WebdriverIO - Prerequisite
- WebdriverIO - Introduction
- WebdriverIO - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
WebdriverIO - Chai Assertions on webelements
Chai是一个叫.的图书馆。 该框架主要用于发展局和TDD框架。 它很容易与任何 Java本试验框架相结合。 Chai的正式文件可在以下链接查阅:
安装Chai,使其进入包裹。 json案,由以下指挥:
npm install --save-dev chai
一揽子计划的细节。 json案在题为“一揽子计划”的章节中详细讨论。 json。
require( chai ).expect
The syntax for Chai claim is as follows -
const c = require( chai ).expect c(p.getValue()).to.equal( subject )
本章详细讨论了如何处理退学问题的细节,即处理 Dr问题。
Step 5——建立光谱档案。 关于如何安装这些装置的细节见题为“Mocha装置”的章节。
require( chai ).expect //import chai pbrary const c = require( chai ).expect describe( Tutorialspoint apppcation , function(){ //test case it( Drodowns with Chai Assertion , function(){ // launch url browser.url( https://www.tutorialspoint.com/tutor_connect/index.php ) //identify dropdown const p = $("select[name= selType ]") //select by index p.selectByIndex(1) //get option selected console.log(p.getValue() + - option selected by index ) //verify option selected with chai assertion c(p.getValue()).to.equal( name ) //select by visible text p.selectByVisibleText( By Subject ) //get option selected console.log(p.getValue() + - option selected by visible text ) //verify option selected with chai assertion c(p.getValue()).to.equal( subject ) //select by value attribute p.selectByAttribute( value , name ) //get option selected console.log(p.getValue() + - option selected by attribute value ) //verify option selected with chai assertion c(p.getValue()).to.equal( name ) }); });
npx wdio run wdio.conf.js
指挥工作成功执行后,首先,选择指数的选择价值——名称在议会印刷。 然后,选择可读写文本的选项,其价值在专册中印刷。 最后,选择属性价值的办法的价值——名称在册。
Step 5——建立光谱档案。 关于如何安装这些装置的细节见题为“Mocha装置”的章节。
//import chai pbrary const c = require( chai ).expect // test suite name describe( Tutorialspoint apppcation , function(){ //test case it( Alerts with Chai Assertion , function(){ // launch url browser.url( https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/javascript_alerts ) //identify element with xpath then cpck $("//*[text()= Cpck for JS Prompt ]").cpck() //check if Alert is open console.log(browser.isAlertOpen()) //get Alert Text console.log(browser.getAlertText() + - Alert Text ) //verify Alert text with Chai assertion c(browser.getAlertText()).to.equal("I am a JS prompt") //accept Alert browser.acceptAlert() }); });
npx wdio run wdio.conf.js
指挥工作成功执行后,最初是用浏览器法归还的奥罗尔语印制的。 然后,警示文本——我是一份联合材料,在奥索尔印刷。