WebdriverIO Tutorial
Selected Reading
- WebdriverIO - Discussion
- WebdriverIO - Useful Resources
- WebdriverIO - Quick Guide
- Generate HTML reports from Allure
- Execute Tests with Mocha Options
- Running Tests from command-line parameters
- WebdriverIO - Data Driven Testing
- WebdriverIO - Running Tests in Parallel
- WebdriverIO - Waits
- WebdriverIO - JavaScript Executor
- WebdriverIO - Capturing Screenshots
- WebdriverIO - Debugging Code
- WebdriverIO - Alerts
- WebdriverIO - Scrolling Operations
- WebdriverIO - Multiple Windows/Tabs
- Chai Assertions on webelements
- WebdriverIO - Handling Radio Buttons
- WebdriverIO - Cookies
- WebdriverIO - Double Click
- WebdriverIO - Drag & Drop
- WebdriverIO - Frames
- WebdriverIO - Hidden Elements
- Handling Child Windows/Pop ups
- WebdriverIO - Mouse Operations
- Handling Checkboxes & Dropdowns
- WebdriverIO - Browser Navigation Commands
- WebdriverIO - Handling Browser Size
- WebdriverIO - General Browser Commands
- WebdriverIO - Happy Path Flow
- Expect Statement for Assertions
- WebdriverIO - Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - Class Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - Tag Name Locator
- WebdriverIO - ID Locator
- WebdriverIO - Link Text Locator
- WebdriverIO - CSS Locator
- WebdriverIO - Xpath Locator
- WebdriverIO - Wdio.conf.js file
- WebdriverIO - VS Code Intellisense
- WebdriverIO - Configuration File generation
- Selenium Standalone Server Installation
- WebdriverIO - Mocha Installation
- WebdriverIO - Package.json
- WebdriverIO - VS Code Installation
- WebdriverIO - Installation of NPM
- WebdriverIO - Getting Started with NodeJS
- WebdriverIO - Architecture
- WebdriverIO - Prerequisite
- WebdriverIO - Introduction
- WebdriverIO - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
WebdriverIO - Mocha Installation
WebdriverIO - Mocha Installation
Mocha是一个基于 Java本的测试框架,以诺德杰为基础。 它使同步试验执行变得有趣和简单。 采购测试可以按序进行。
它能够编制准确和定制的报告。 此外,无选择的例外很容易与适当的测试案例挂钩。 Mocha的细节见以下链接:
npm install mocha
在指挥成功执行后,安装的Mocha版本在一揽子计划中得到了反映。 json案。