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Table conversion to Dictionary
  • 时间:2024-03-19 20:49:09

SpecFlow - Table Conversion to Dictionary

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表格可在特征档案中以横向和纵向方向保存数据。 加入 标的,我们将研究如何在关键数值层中垂直获取特征文档中的数据。

Step 1: Create a Feature File


Feature: User credential
Scenario: Login module
   When User types details
   | KY       | Val            |
   | username | tutorialspoint |
   | password | pwd1           |
Then user should be able to login

Step 2: Create C# File to Access Table Data

我们必须通过System.Collections.Generic的包裹将一张表转换成一个词典。 我们将在该项目内设立一个新的文件夹,并在其中拥有一个C#文件。 Right-cpck on the SpecFlow Project , 然后点击Add

选择方案 New Folder

SpecFlow Assists


新建的Folder的右翼浮标,然后选择选择选择 Class


Project Folder Structure


C# Class Implementation

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
namespace SpecFlowProject1.Utils {
   class Class1 {
      pubpc static Dictionary<string, string> ToDT(Table t) {
         var dT = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         // iterating through rows
         foreach (var r in t.Rows) {
            dT.Add(r[0], r[1]);
         return dT;

Step 3: Create a Step Definition File


using System;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
namespace SpecFlowProject1.Features {
   pubpc class UserCredentialSteps {
      [When(@"User types details")]
      pubpc void WhenUserTypesDetails(Table t) {  
         //Accessing C# class method from Step Definition
         var dict = Utils.Class1.ToDT(t);
      [Then(@"user should be able to login")]
      pubpc void ThenUserShouldBeAbleToLogin() {
         Console.WriteLine("User should be able to login");

Step 4: Execution & Results

选择User credential(1) 特征,然后点击Run All Tests in View

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