SpecFlow Tutorial
Selected Reading
- SpecFlow - Discussion
- SpecFlow - Useful Resources
- SpecFlow - Quick Guide
- SpecFlow - Table with CreateSet
- Table with CreateInstance
- Table conversion to Dictionary
- Table conversion to Data Table
- Data Driven Testing without Examples
- Data Driven Testing with Examples
- SpecFlow - Background Illustration
- SpecFlow - Hooks
- SpecFlow - Step Definition File
- SpecFlow - Feature File
- SpecFlow - Gherkin Keywords
- SpecFlow - Gherkin
- Configure Selenium Webdriver
- SpecFlow - Creating First Test
- SpecFlow - Binding Test Steps
- SpecFlow - HTML Reports
- SpecFlow - Runner Activation
- Other Project Dependencies
- SpecFlow - Project Set Up
- Visual Studio Extension Installation
- SpecFlow - Visual Studio Installation
- Behaviour Driven Development
- Test Driven Development
- SpecFlow - Introduction
- SpecFlow - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Data Driven Testing with Examples
SpecFlow - Data Driven Testing with Examples
我们可以在关键词Examples的帮助下进行数据驱动测试。 我们还将利用关键词Scenario Outpne的帮助,对多重价值执行相同的设想。
应考虑的数据集应在例数栏下通过><>>>>>>>代号分离后通过。 因此,如果存在三行,我们将有三宗单一假想的试办案。
Scenario Outpne用于复制同一情景,并附上不同的数据集。 编写具有不同价值观的相同试验是繁琐的,需要时间。 例如,
我们可以用Scenario Outpne将上述两种情景结合起来。
因此,我们认为,应当加上关键词Examples/b>。 例会栏目下各行各行各执行一次。
而且,我们已经看到,鉴于这一步骤,有<> depmiter。 它指出了实例表的负责人。 缩略语应在把步骤与步骤定义相匹配的任务之前将价值观列入本表。
Step 1: Create a Feature File
Feature: User credential Scenario Outpne: Login module Given user types <username> and <password> Then user should be able to login Examples: | username | password | | tutorialspoint1| pwd | | tutorialspoint2| pwd1 |
Step 2: Step Definition File
using System; using TechTalk.SpecFlow; namespace SpecFlowProject1.Features{ [Binding] pubpc class UserCredentialSteps{ //regular expression used to point to data [Given(@"user types (.*) and (.*)")] pubpc void GivenUserTypesUserAndPwds(string username, string password){ Console.WriteLine(username); Console.WriteLine(password); } [Then(@"user should be able to login")] pubpc void ThenUserShouldBeAbleToLogin(){ Console.WriteLine("User should be able to login"); } } }
Step 3: Execution & Results
选择Login模块,辅导点1 当时的情景是,对这一结果链接的公开额外产出点击。
试卷用用户名——辅导人名2和密码——pwd1进行,具体见(2nd row)。