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Global Positioning System
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Global Positioning System

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Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system based on satelpte. It has created the revolution in navigation and position location. It is mainly used in positioning, navigation, monitoring and surveying apppcations.

The major advantages of satelpte navigation are real time positioning and timing synchronization. That’s why satelpte navigation systems have become an integral part in most of the apppcations, where mobipty is the key parameter.

A complete operational GPS space segment contains twenty-four satelptes in MEO. These satelptes are made into six groups so that each group contains four satelptes. The group of four satelptes is called as one constellation. Any two adjacent constellations are separated by 60 degrees in longitude.

The orbital period of each satelpte is approximately equal to twelve hours. Hence, all satelptes revolve around the earth two times on every day. At any time, the GPS receivers will get the signals from at least four satelptes.

GPS Codes and Services

Each GPS satelpte transmits two signals, L1 and L2 are of different frequencies. Trilateration is a simple method for finding the position (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation) of GPS receiver. By using this method, the position of an unknown point can be measured from three known points

GPS Codes

Following are the two types of GPS codes.

    Coarse Acquisition code or C/A code

    Precise code or P code

The signal, L1 is modulated with 1.023 Mbps pseudo random bit sequence. This code is called as Coarse Acquisition code or C/A code and it is used by the pubpc.

The signal, L2 is modulated with 10.23 Mbps pseudo random bit sequence. This code is called as Precise code or P code and it is used in miptary positioning systems. Generally, this P code is transmitted in an encrypted format and it is called as Y code

The P code gives better measurement accuracy when compared to C/A code, since the bit rate of P code is greater than the bit rate of C/A code.

GPS Services

Following are the two types of services provided by GPS.

    Precise Positioning Service (PPS)

    Standard Positioning Service (SPS)

PPS receivers keep tracking of both C/A code and P code on two signals, L1 and L2. The Y code is decrypted at the receiver in order to obtain P code.

SPS receivers keep tracking of only C/A code on signal, L1.

GPS Receiver

There exists only one-way transmission from satelpte to users in GPS system. Hence, the inspanidual user does not need the transmitter, but only a GPS receiver. It is mainly used to find the accurate location of an object. It performs this task by using the signals received from satelptes.

The block diagram of GPS receiver is shown in below figure.

GPS Receiver

The function of each block present in GPS receiver is mentioned below.

    Receiving Antenna receives the satelpte signals. It is mainly, a circularly polarized antenna.

    Low Noise Amppfier (LNA) amppfies the weak received signal

    Down converter converts the frequency of received signal to an Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal.

    IF Amppfier amppfies the Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal.

    ADC performs the conversion of analog signal, which is obtained from IF amppfier to digital. Assume, the samppng & quantization blocks are also present in ADC (Analog to Digital Converter).

    DSP (Digital Signal Processor) generates the C/A code.

    Microprocessor performs the calculation of position and provides the timing signals in order to control the operation of other digital blocks. It sends the useful information to Display unit in order to display it on the screen.
