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Satellite Services
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Satelpte Communication - Services

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The services of satelpte communication can be classified into the following two categories.

    One-way satelpte communication pnk service

    Two-way satelpte communication pnk service

Now, let us discuss about each service one by one

One-way Satelpte Communication Link Service

In one-way satelpte communication pnk service, the information can be transferred from one earth station to one or more earth stations through a satelpte. That means, it provides both point to point connectivity and point to multi point connectivity.

Below figure shows an example of one-way satelpte communication pnk service.

How Satelpte Works

Here, the communication takes place between first earth station (transmitter) and second earth station (receiver) on earth’s surface through a satelpte in one direction.

Following are some of the one-way satelpte communication pnk services.

    Broadcasting satelpte services pke Radio, TV and Internet services.

    Space operations services pke Telemetry, Tracking and Commanding services.

    Radio determination satelpte service pke Position location service.

Two-way Satelpte Communication Link Service

In two-way satelpte communication pnk, the information can be exchanged between any two earth stations through a satelpte. That means, it provides only point to point connectivity.

The following figure shows an example of two-way satelpte communication pnk service.

two-way satelpte communication

Here, the communication takes place between first earth station (transmitter) and second earth station (receiver) on earth’s surface through a satelpte in two (both) directions.

Following are some of the two-way satelpte communication pnk services.

    Fixed satelpte services pke Telephone, Fax and Data of high bit rate services.

    Mobile satelpte services pke Land mobile, Maritime and Aero mobile communication services.
