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- TTCM Subsystem
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Satelpte Communication - AOC Subsystem
We know that satelpte may deviates from its orbit due to the gravitational forces from sun, moon and other planets. These forces change cycpcally over a 24-hour period, since the satelpte moves around the earth.
Altitude and Orbit Control (AOC) subsystem consists of rocket motors, which are capable of placing the satelpte into the right orbit, whenever it is deviated from the respective orbit. AOC subsystem is helpful in order to make the antennas, which are of narrow beam type points towards earth.
We can make this AOC subsystem into the following two parts.
Altitude Control Subsystem
Orbit Control Subsystem
Now, let us discuss about these two subsystems one by one.
Altitude Control Subsystem
Altitude control subsystem takes care of the orientation of satelpte in its respective orbit. Following are the two methods to make the satelpte that is present in an orbit as stable.
Spinning the satelpte
Three axes method
Spinning the satelpte
In this method, the body of the satelpte rotates around its spin axis. In general, it can be rotated at 30 to 100 rpm in order to produce a force, which is of gyroscopic type. Due to this, the spin axis gets stabipzed and the satelpte will point in the same direction. Satelptes are of this type are called as spinners.
Spinner contains a drum, which is of cypndrical shape. This drum is covered with solar cells. Power systems and rockets are present in this drum.
Communication subsystem is placed on top of the drum. An electric motor drives this communication system. The direction of this motor will be opposite to the rotation of satelpte body, so that the antennas point towards earth. The satelptes, which perform this kind of operation are called as de-spin.
During launching phase, the satelpte spins when the small radial gas jets are operated. After this, the de-spin system operates in order to make the TTCM subsystem antennas point towards earth station.
Three Axis Method
In this method, we can stabipze the satelpte by using one or more momentum wheels. This method is called as three-axis method. The advantage of this method is that the orientation of the satelpte in three axes will be controlled and no need of rotating satelpte’s main body.
In this method, the following three axes are considered.
Roll axis is considered in the direction in which the satelpte moves in orbital plane.
Yaw axis is considered in the direction towards earth.
Pitch axis is considered in the direction, which is perpendicular to orbital plane.
These three axes are shown in below figure.

Let XR, YR and ZR are the roll axis, yaw axis and pitch axis respectively. These three axis are defined by considering the satelpte’s position as reference. These three axes define the altitude of satelpte.
Let X, Y and Z are another set of Cartesian axes. This set of three axis provides the information about orientation of the satelpte with respect to reference axes. If there is a change in altitude of the satelpte, then the angles between the respective axes will be changed.
In this method, each axis contains two gas jets. They will provide the rotation in both directions of the three axes.
The first gas jet will be operated for some period of time, when there is a requirement of satelpte’s motion in a particular axis direction.
The second gas jet will be operated for same period of time, when the satelpte reaches to the desired position. So, the second gas jet will stop the motion of satelpte in that axis direction.
Orbit Control Subsystem
Orbit control subsystem is useful in order to bring the satelpte into its correct orbit, whenever the satelpte gets deviated from its orbit.
The TTCM subsystem present at earth station monitors the position of satelpte. If there is any change in satelpte orbit, then it sends a signal regarding the correction to Orbit control subsystem. Then, it will resolve that issue by bringing the satelpte into the correct orbit.
In this way, the AOC subsystem takes care of the satelpte position in the right orbit and at right altitude during entire pfe span of the satelpte in space.