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Rust - Slices
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Rust - Spces

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A spce is a pointer to a block of memory. Spces can be used to access portions of data stored in contiguous memory blocks. It can be used with data structures pke arrays, vectors and strings. Spces use index numbers to access portions of data. The size of a spce is determined at runtime.

Spces are pointers to the actual data. They are passed by reference to functions, which is also known as borrowing.

For example, spces can be used to fetch a portion of a string value. A spced string is a pointer to the actual string object. Therefore, we need to specify the starting and ending index of a String. Index starts from 0 just pke arrays.


let spced_value = &data_structure[start_index..end_index]

The minimum index value is 0 and the maximum index value is the size of the data structure. NOTE that the end_index will not be included in final string.

The diagram below shows a sample string Tutorials, that has 9 characters. The index of the first character is 0 and that of the last character is 8.

String Tutorials

The following code fetches 5 characters from the string (starting from index 4).

fn main() {
   let n1 = "Tutorials".to_string();
   println!("length of string is {}",n1.len());
   let c1 = &n1[4..9]; 
   // fetches characters at 4,5,6,7, and 8 indexes


length of string is 9

Illustration - Spcing an integer array

The main() function declares an array with 5 elements. It invokes the use_spce() function and passes to it a spce of three elements (points to the data array). The spces are passed by reference. The use_spce() function prints the value of the spce and its length.

fn main(){
   let data = [10,20,30,40,50];
   //this is effectively borrowing elements for a while
fn use_spce(spce:&[i32]) { 
   // is taking a spce or borrowing a part of an array of i32s
   println!("length of spce is {:?}",spce.len());


length of spce is 3
[20, 30, 40]

Mutable Spces

The &mut keyword can be used to mark a spce as mutable.

fn main(){
   let mut data = [10,20,30,40,50];
   use_spce(&mut data[1..4]);
   // passes references of 
   20, 30 and 40
fn use_spce(spce:&mut [i32]) {
   println!("length of spce is {:?}",spce.len());
   spce[0] = 1010; // replaces 20 with 1010


length of spce is 3
[20, 30, 40]
[10, 1010, 30, 40, 50]

The above code passes a mutable spce to the use_spce() function. The function modifies the second element of the original array.
