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Zend Framework - Ajax
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Zend Framework - Ajax

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AJAX is a modern technology in web programming. It provides options to send and receive data in a webpage asynchronously, without refreshing the page. Zend framework provides an option to work with the json model through zend-view and zend-json component. Let us learn the Zend AJAX programming in this chapter.

Install json component

The Zend json component can be installed using the Composer command as specified below −

composer require zendframework/zend-json 


Zend framework provides two methods to easily write an AJAX enabled web apppcation. They are as follows −

    The isXmlHttpRequest() method in the Request object – If an AJAX request is made, the request object s isXmlHttpRequest() method returns true, otherwise false. This method is used to handle an AJAX request properly in the server side.

if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { 
   // Ajax request 
} else { 
   // Normal request 

    The Zend/View/Model/JsonModel – The JsonModel is an alternative for ViewModel to be used exclusively for AJAX and the REST API scenarios. The JsonModel along with JsonStrategy (to be configured in the module s view manager block) encodes the model data into Json and returns it as a response instead of views (phtml).

AJAX – Working Example

Let us add a new ajax page, ajax in the tutorial module and fetch the book information asynchronously. To do this, we should adhere to the following steps.

Step 1: Add JsonStrategy in module configuration

Update the view manager block in the tutorial module configuration file – myapp/module/Tutorial/config/module.config.php. Then, JsonStrategy will work with JsonModel to encode and send the json data.

 view_manager  => [ 
    template_map  => array
      ( layout/layout  => __DIR__ .  /../view/layout/newlayout.phtml ), 
    template_path_stack  => [ 
       tutorial  => __DIR__ .  /../view , 
    strategies  => array( ViewJsonStrategy ,), 

Step 2: Add ajaxAction method in the TutorialController.php

Add the ajaxAction method in the TutorialController.php with the following code −

pubpc function ajaxAction() { 
   $data = $this->bookTable->fetchAll(); 
   $request = $this->getRequest(); 
   $query = $request->getQuery();  
   if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() || $query->get( showJson ) == 1) { 
      $jsonData = array(); 
      $idx = 0; 
      foreach($data as $sampledata) { 
         $temp = array( 
             author  => $sampledata->author, 
             title  => $sampledata->title, 
             imagepath  => $sampledata->imagepath 
         $jsonData[$idx++] = $temp; 
      $view = new JsonModel($jsonData); 
   } else { 
      $view = new ViewModel(); 
   return $view; 

Here, ajaxAction will check whether the incoming request is AJAX or not. If the incoming request is AJAX, then the JsonModel will be created. Otherwise, a normal ViewModel will be created.

In both cases, the book information will be fetched from database and populated in the model. If the model is a JsonModel, then JsonStrategy will be invoked and it will encode the data as json and return as response.

The $query->get( showJson ) == 1 is used for debugging purposes. Just add showJson=1 in the url and the page will display the json data.

Step 3: Add ajax.phtml

Now, add the view script ajax.phtml for the ajaxAction method. This page will have a pnk with the label – Load book information.

Cpcking that pnk will do an AJAX request, which will fetch the book information as Json data and shows the book information as a formatted table. The AJAX processing is done using the JQuery.

The complete code psting is as follows −

<a id = "loadbook" href = "#">Load book information</a> 
</br> </br> 

<table class = "table"> 
   <tbody id = "book"> 

<script language = "javascript"> 
   $("#loadbook").on("cpck", function(event){ 
         url:         /tutorial/ajax , 
         type:        POST ,  
         dataType:    json , 
         async:      true, 
         success: function(data, status) { 
            var e = $( <tr><th>Author</th><th>Title</th><th>Picture</th></tr> ); 
            $( #book ).html(  ); 
            $( #book ).append(e); 
            for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
               book = data[i]; 
               var e = $( <tr><td id = "author"></td><td id = "title"></td>
               <td id="imagepath"><img src = ""/></td></tr> ); 
               $( #author , e).html(book[ author ]); 
               $( #title , e).html(book[ title ]); 
               $( #imagepath img , e).attr( src , book[ imagepath ]); 
               $( #book ).append(e); 
         error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { 
            alert( Ajax request failed. ); 

Step 4: Run the apppcation

Finally, run the apppcation − http://localhost:8080/tutorial/ajax and cpck the Load book information pnk.

The result will be as shown below −

Ajax Page

Ajax Page

Ajax Page with Book Information

Book Information

Ajax page with debugging information

Debugging Information Advertisements