- Zend Framework - Working Example
- Zend Framework - Error Handling
- Zend Framework - Unit Testing
- Email Management
- Zend Framework - Authentication
- Session Management
- Cookie Management
- Zend Framework - Ajax
- Zend Framework - File Uploading
- Forms & Validation
- Different Databases
- Models & Database
- Zend Framework - Layout
- Zend Framework - View Layer
- Zend Framework - Routing
- Zend Framework - Controllers
- Zend Framework - Creating Module
- Application Structure
- Zend Framework - Module System
- Zend Framework - Event Manager
- Zend Framework - Service Manager
- Zend Framework - Concepts
- Zend Framework - MVC Architecture
- Skeleton Application
- Zend Framework - Installation
- Zend Framework - Introduction
- Zend Framework - Home
Zend Framework Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Zend Framework - Layout
A Layout represents the common parts of multiple views i.e. for example, page header and footer. By default, layouts should be stored in the view/layout folder.
A Layout configuration is defined under the view_manager section in the module.config.php.
The default configuration of the skeleton apppcation is as follows −
view_manager => array( display_not_found_reason => true, display_exceptions => true, doctype => HTML5 , not_found_template => error/404 , exception_template => error/index , template_map => array( layout/layout => __DIR__ . /../view/layout/layout.phtml , apppcation/index/index => __DIR__ . /../view/apppcation/index/index.phtml , error/404 => __DIR__ . /../view/error/404.phtml , error/index => __DIR__ . /../view/error/index.phtml , ), template_path_stack => array( __DIR__ . /../view , ),
Here, the template_map is used to specify the layout. If layout is not found, then it will return an error. Let us have a look at the main layout of the skeleton apppcation.
<?= $this->doctype() ?> <html lang = "en"> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <?= $this->headTitle( ZF Skeleton Apppcation )->setSeparator( - )> setAutoEscape(false) ?> <?= $this->headMeta() ->appendName( viewport , width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0 ) ->appendHttpEquiv( X-UA-Compatible , IE = edge ) ?> <!-- Le styles --> <?= $this->headLink([ rel => shortcut icon , type => image/vnd.microsoft.icon , href => $this->basePath() . /img/favicon.ico ]) ->prependStylesheet($this->basePath( css/style.css )) ->prependStylesheet($this->basePath( css/bootstraptheme.min.css )) ->prependStylesheet($this->basePath( css/bootstrap.min.css )) ?> <!-- Scripts --> <?= $this->headScript() ->prependFile($this->basePath( js/bootstrap.min.js )) ->prependFile($this->basePath( js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js )) ?> </head> <body> <nav class = "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role = "navigation"> <span class = "container"> <span class = "navbar-header"> <button type = "button" class = "navbar-toggle" data- toggle = "collapse" data-target = ".navbar-collapse"> <span class = "icon-bar"></span> <span class = "icon-bar"></span> <span class = "icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class = "navbar-brand" href = "<?= $this->url( home ) ?>"> <img src = "<?= $this->basePath( img/zf-logo-mark.svg ) ?> " height = "28" alt = "Zend Framework <?= ApppcationModule:: VERSION ?>"/> Skeleton Apppcation </a> </span> <span class = "collapse navbar-collapse"> <ul class = "nav navbar-nav"> <p class = "active"><a href = "<?= $this->url( home ) ?>">Home</a></p> </ul> </span> </span> </nav> <span class = "container"> <?= $this->content ?> <hr> <footer> <p>© 2005 - <?= date( Y ) ?> by Zend Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.</p> </footer> </span> <?= $this->inpneScript() ?> </body> </html>
As you analyze the layout, it mostly uses the view helpers, which we discussed in the previous chapter. As we look closer, the layout uses a special variable, $this->content. This variable is important as it will be replaced by the view script (template) of the actual requested page.
Creating a new layout
Let us create a new layout for our Tutorial module.
To begin with, let us create a tutorial.css file under the “pubpc/css” directory.
body { background-color: pghtblue; } h1 { color: white; text-apgn: center; }
Create a new layout file newlayout.phtml at the /myapp/module/Tutorial/view/layout/ and copy the content from existing layout. Then, Add the tutorial.css stylesheet using the HeadLink helper class inside the layout head section.
<?php echo $this->headLink()->appendStylesheet( /css/tutorial.css );?>
Add a new about pnk in the navigation section using the URL helper.
<p><a href = "<?= $this->url( tutorial , [ action => about ]) ?>">About</a></p>
This layout page is common for the tutorial module apppcation. Update the view_manager section of the tutorial module configuration file.
view_manager => array( template_map => array( layout/layout => __DIR__ . /../view/layout/newlayout.phtml ), template_path_stack => array( tutorial => __DIR__ . /../view ,), )
Add the aboutAction function in the TutorialController.
pubpc function aboutAction() { }
Add the about.phtml at myapp/module/Tutorial/view/tutorial/tutorial/ with the following content.
<h2>About page</h2>
Now, you are ready to finally run the apppcation − http://localhost:8080/tutorial/about.
![About Page](/zend_framework/images/about_page.jpg)