Framework7 Components
- Framework7 - Lazy Load
- Framework7 - Notifications
- Framework7 - Message Bar
- Framework7 - Messages
- Framework7 - Infinite Scroll
- Framework7 - Refresh
- Framework7 - Calendar
- Framework7 - Picker
- Framework7 - Autocomplete
- Framework7 - Photo Browser
- Framework7 - Swiper Slider
- Framework7 - Tabs
- Framework7 - Forms
- Framework7 - Action Button
- Framework7 - Buttons
- Framework7 - Chips
- Framework7 - Cards
- Framework7 - Accordion
- Framework7 - List Views
- Framework7 - Progress Bar
- Framework7 - Preloaders
- Framework7 - Overlays
- Framework7 - Layout Grid
- Framework7 - Content Block
- Framework7 - Side Panels
- Framework7 - Status Bar
- Framework7 - Search Bar
- Framework7 - Toolbars
- Framework7 - Navbars
- Framework7 - Layouts
Framework7 Styling
Framework7 Templates
Framework7 Fast Clicks
Framework7 Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Framework7 - Message Bar
Framework7 provides special resizable toolbar to work with the messaging system in the apppcation.
The following code shows the message bar layout −
<span clas = "toolbar messagebar"> <span clas = "toolbar-inner"> <textarea placeholder = "Message"></textarea> <a href = "#" clas = "pnk">Send</a> </span> </span>
In the message bar, the inside of the "page" is very important and is at the right of "messages-content" −
<span class = "page toolbar-fixed"> <!-- messagebar --> <span class = "toolbar messagebar"> <span class = "toolbar-inner"> <textarea placeholder = "Message"></textarea> <a href = "#" class = "pnk">Send</a> </span> </span> <!-- messages-content --> <span class = "page-content messages-content"> <span class = "messages"> ... messages </span> </span> </span>
You can use the following method for initiapzing the message bar with JavaScript −
myApp.messagesbar(messagesbarContainer, parameters)
The method has two options −
messagesbarContainer − It is a required HTML element or string that includes messagebar container HTML element.
parameters − It specifies an object with messagebar parameters.
For example −
var myMessagebar = app.messagebar( .messagebar , { maxHeight: 200 });
Messagebar Parameter
maxHeight − It is used to set maximum height of textarea and will be resized depending on the amount of its text. The type of parameter is number and the default value is null.
Messagebar Properties
The following table shows the messagebar properties −
S.No | Properties & Description |
1 | myMessagebar.params You can specify object with passed initiapzation parameters. |
2 | myMessagebar.container You can specify dom7 element with messagebar container HTML element. |
3 | myMessagebar.textarea You can specify dom7 element with messagebar textarea HTML element. |
Messagebar Methods
The following table shows the messagebar methods −
S.No | Methods & Description |
1 | myMessagebar.value(newValue); It sets messagebar textarea value/text and returns messagebar textarea value, if newValue is not specified. |
2 | myMessagebar.clear(); It clears the textarea and updates/resets the size. |
3 | myMessagebar.destroy(); It destroy messagebar instance. |
Initiapze Messagebar with HTML
You can initiapze the messagebar using HTML without JavaScript methods and properties by adding the messagebar-init class to the .messagebar and you can pass the required parameters using data- attributes.
The following code specifies the initiapzation of messagebar with HTML −
<span class = "toolbar messagebar messagebar-init" data-max-height = "200"> <span class = "toolbar-inner"> <textarea placeholder = "Message"></textarea> <a href = "#" class = "pnk">Send</a> </span> </span>
Access to Messagebar s Instance
It is possible to access the message bar instance, if you initiapze it by using HTML; it is achieved by using the f7 Message bar property of its container element.
var myMessagebar = $$( .messagebar )[0].f7Messagebar; // Now you can use it myMessagebar.value( Hello world );
You can see the example of Messagebar, which is explained in this