Framework7 Components
- Framework7 - Lazy Load
- Framework7 - Notifications
- Framework7 - Message Bar
- Framework7 - Messages
- Framework7 - Infinite Scroll
- Framework7 - Refresh
- Framework7 - Calendar
- Framework7 - Picker
- Framework7 - Autocomplete
- Framework7 - Photo Browser
- Framework7 - Swiper Slider
- Framework7 - Tabs
- Framework7 - Forms
- Framework7 - Action Button
- Framework7 - Buttons
- Framework7 - Chips
- Framework7 - Cards
- Framework7 - Accordion
- Framework7 - List Views
- Framework7 - Progress Bar
- Framework7 - Preloaders
- Framework7 - Overlays
- Framework7 - Layout Grid
- Framework7 - Content Block
- Framework7 - Side Panels
- Framework7 - Status Bar
- Framework7 - Search Bar
- Framework7 - Toolbars
- Framework7 - Navbars
- Framework7 - Layouts
Framework7 Styling
Framework7 Templates
Framework7 Fast Clicks
Framework7 Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Framework7 - Swiper Spder
The swiper spder is the most powerful and modern touch spder and comes into Framework7 with lots of features.
The following HTML layout shows the swiper spder −
<!-- Container class for spder --> <span class = "swiper-container"> <!-- Wrapper class for spder --> <span class = "swiper-wrapper"> <!-- Spdes --> <span class = "swiper-spde">Spde 1</span> <span class = "swiper-spde">Spde 2</span> <span class = "swiper-spde">Spde 3</span> ... other spdes ... </span> <!-- Define pagination, if it is required --> <span class = "swiper-pagination"></span> </span>
The following classes are used for swiper spder −
swiper-container − It is a required element for main spder container and it is used for spdes and paginations.
Swiper-wrapper − It is a required element for additional wrapper spdes.
swiper-spde − It is a single spde element and it could contain any HTML inside.
swiper-pagination − It is optional for pagination bullets and those are created automatically.
You can initiapze the swiper with JavaScript using its related methods −
new Swiper(swiperContainer, parameters)
Both the methods are used to initiapze the spder with options.
The above given methods contain the following parameters −
swiperContainer − It is HTMLElement or string of a swiper container and it is required.
parameters − These are optional elements containing object with swiper parameters.
For example −
var mySwiper = app.swiper( .swiper-container , { speed: 400, spaceBetween: 100 });
It is possible to access a swiper s instance and the swiper property of the spder s container has the following HTML element −
var mySwiper = $$( .swiper-container )[0].swiper; // Here you can use all spder methods pke: mySwiper.spdeNext();
You can see the different ways and types of swiper in the following table −
S.No | Swiper Types & Description |
1 | It is a modern touch spder and the swiper swipes horizontally, by default. |
2 | This one also works as a default swiper but it swipes vertically. |
3 | This swiper is used to give space between two spdes. |
4 | This swiper uses more than one swipers on a single page. |
5 | It is the combination of vertical and horizontal spdes. |
6 | It is used for custom controls to choose or swipe any spde. |
7 | It can be used for multimedia file, which takes time to load. |