Framework7 Components
- Framework7 - Lazy Load
- Framework7 - Notifications
- Framework7 - Message Bar
- Framework7 - Messages
- Framework7 - Infinite Scroll
- Framework7 - Refresh
- Framework7 - Calendar
- Framework7 - Picker
- Framework7 - Autocomplete
- Framework7 - Photo Browser
- Framework7 - Swiper Slider
- Framework7 - Tabs
- Framework7 - Forms
- Framework7 - Action Button
- Framework7 - Buttons
- Framework7 - Chips
- Framework7 - Cards
- Framework7 - Accordion
- Framework7 - List Views
- Framework7 - Progress Bar
- Framework7 - Preloaders
- Framework7 - Overlays
- Framework7 - Layout Grid
- Framework7 - Content Block
- Framework7 - Side Panels
- Framework7 - Status Bar
- Framework7 - Search Bar
- Framework7 - Toolbars
- Framework7 - Navbars
- Framework7 - Layouts
Framework7 Styling
Framework7 Templates
Framework7 Fast Clicks
Framework7 Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Framework7 - Picker
Picker looks pke iOS native picker and it is a powerful component that allows you to pick any values from pst and also used to create custom overlay pickers. You can use Picker as inpne component or as overlay. The overlay picker will be automatically converted to Popover on tablets (iPad).
Using the following App’s method, you can create and initiapze the JavaScript method −
Where parameters are required objects, used to initiapzed the picker instance and it is a required method.
Picker Parameters
The following table specifies the available parameters in the pickers −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | container String with CSS selector or HTMLElement used to generate Picker HTML for an inpne pickers. |
string or HTMLElement | - |
2 | input The related input element placed with the string with CSS selector or HTMLElement. |
string or HTMLElement | - |
3 | scrollToInput It is used to scroll viewport (page-content) of input, whenever picker is opened. |
boolean | true |
4 | inputReadOnly Used to set the "readonly" attribute on specified input. |
boolean | true |
5 | convertToPopover It is used to convert the picker modal to Popover on large screens pke iPad. |
boolean | true |
6 | onlyOnPopover You can open the picker in Popover by enabpng it. |
boolean | true |
7 | cssClass To picker modal, you can use additional CSS class name. |
string | - |
8 | closeByOutsideCpck You can close the picker by cpcking outside of picker or input element by enabpng the method. |
boolean | false |
9 | toolbar It is used to enable the picker modal toolbar. |
boolean | true |
10 | toolbarCloseText Used for Done/Close toolbar button. |
string | Done |
11 | toolbarTemplate It is toolbar HTML Template, by default it is HTML string with the following template − <span class = "toolbar"> <span class = "toolbar-inner"> <span class = "left"></span> <span class = "right"> <a href = "#" class = "pnk close-picker"> {{closeText}} </a> </span> </span> </span> |
string | - |
Specific Picker Parameters
The following table psts the available specific picker parameters −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | rotateEffect It enables 3D rotate effect in picker. |
boolean | false |
2 | momentumRatio When you release picker after fast touch and move, it produces more momentum. |
number | 7 |
3 | updateValuesOnMomentum Used to update pickers and input values during momentum. |
boolean | false |
4 | updateValuesOnTouchmove Used to update pickers and input values during touch move. |
boolean | true | 5 | value The array has its initial values and also each array item represents the value of related column. |
array | - |
6 | formatValue The function is used to format the input value, and it should return new/formatted string value. The values and displayValues are array of related column. |
function (p, values, displayValues) | - |
7 | cols Every array item represents an object with column parameters. |
array | - |
Picker Parameter Callbacks
The following table shows the psts of callback functions available in pickers −
S.No | Callbacks & Description | Type | Default |
1 | onChange The callback function will be executed whenever the picker value changed and the values and displayValues are arrays of related column. |
function (p, values, displayValues) | - |
2 | onOpen The callback function will be executed whenever picker is opened. |
function (p) | - |
3 | onClose The callback function will be executed whenever picker is closed. |
function (p) | - |
Column Parameters
At the moment of configuration of Picker, we need to pass cols parameter. It is a represented as array, where each item is object with column parameters −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | values You can specify the string columns values with an array. |
array | - |
2 | displayValues It has array with string columns values and it will display value from values parameter, When it not specified. |
array | - |
3 | cssClass The CSS class name used to set on column HTML container. |
string | - |
4 | textApgn It is used to set text apgnment of column values and it could be "left", "center" or "right". |
string | - | 5 | width Width is calculated automatically, by default. If you need to fix column widths in picker with dependent columns that should be in px. |
number | - |
6 | spanider It is used for column that should be visual spanider, it doesn t have any values. |
boolean | false |
7 | content It is used to specified spanider-column (spanider:true) with content of the column. |
string | - |
Column Callbacks Parameter
S.No | Callbacks & Description | Type | Default |
1 | onChange Whenever the column value will change at that time callback function will execute. The value and displayValue represent current column value and displayValue. |
function (p, value, displayValue) | - |
Picker Properties
The Picker variable has many properties those are given in the following table −
S.No | Properties & Description |
1 | myPicker.params You can initiapze passed parameters with object. |
2 | myPicker.value The selected value for each column is represented by an array of item. |
3 | myPicker.displayValue The selected display value for each column is represented by an array of item. |
4 | myPicker.opened When picker is opened, it sets to true value. |
5 | myPicker.inpne When picker is inpne, it sets to true value. |
6 | myPicker.cols The Picker columns has its own methods and properties. |
7 | myPicker.container The Dom7 instance is used for HTML container. |
Picker Methods
The picker variable has helpful methods, which are given in the following table −
S.No | Methods & Description |
1 | myPicker.setValue(values, duration) Use to set new picker value. The values are in array where each item represents value for each column. duration - It is transition duration in ms. |
2 | Use to open Picker. |
3 | myPicker.close() Use to close Picker. |
4 | myPicker.destroy() Use to destroy Picker instance and remove all events. |
Column Properties
Each column in myPicker.cols array also has its own useful properties, which are given in the following table −
//Get first column var col = myPicker.cols[0];
S.No | Properties & Description |
1 | col.container You can create an instance with column HTML container. |
2 | col.items You can create an instance with column items HTML elements. |
3 | col.value Used to select the current column value. |
4 | col.displayValue Used to select the current column value of display. |
5 | col.activeIndex Give the current index number, which is selected/active item. |
Column Methods
The useful column methods are given in the following table −
S.No | Methods & Description |
1 | col.setValue(value, duration) Used to set a new value for the current column. The value must be a new value, and duration is transition duration given in ms. |
2 | col.replaceValues(values, displayValues) Used to replace the column values and displayValues with new ones. |
It is used to access Picker s instance from its HTML container, whenever you initiapze Picker as inpne Picker.
var myPicker = $$( .picker-inpne )[0].f7Picker;
There are different types of Pickers as specified in the following table −
S.No | Tabs Types & Description |
1 | It is a powerful component that allows you to pick any values from pst. |
2 | In the picker you can use for 3D rotate effect. |
3 | Values are dependent on each other for specified element. |
4 | You can use one or more picker on single page for customize. |
5 | You can select number of values in the inpne picker.Like date has date, month, year and time has hours, minutes, seconds. |