- cPanel - CloudFlare
- cPanel - FileZilla FTP Client
- cPanel - Installing WordPress
- cPanel - Softaculous Apps Installer
- cPanel - Virus Scanner
- cPanel - MIME Types
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- cPanel - Indexes
- cPanel - Track DNS
- cPanel - Cron Jobs
- cPanel - Optimize Website
- cPanel - Ruby on Rails
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- cPanel - Webalizer
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- cPanel - Apache Spamassassin
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- cPanel - Address Importer
- cPanel - Authentications
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- cPanel - Track Delivery
- cPanel - Autoresponders
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- cPanel - Email Forwarders
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- cPanel - Advance Zone Editor
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- cPanel - Redirect
- cPanel - Addon Domain
- cPanel - Aliases
- cPanel - Subdomains
- cPanel - Remote MySQL
- cPanel - phpMyAdmin
- cPanel - MySQL Database Wizard
- cPanel - MySQL Databases
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- cPanel - Backup
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- cPanel - FTP
- cPanel - Disk Usage
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cPanel - Ruby on Rails
This interface of cPanel allows you to create and Install a Ruby on Rails apppcation. If you have a Ruby on Rails apppcation developed, you can deploy it to your server using this interface.
To Create a Ruby on Rails Apppcation, follow these steps −
Step 1 − Cpck Ruby on Rails found under Software Section of cPanel Home.
Step 2 − In Ruby on Rails Interface, you will find Create Ruby on Rails Apppcation.
Step 3 − Provide name of your apppcation in App Name.
Step 4 − Provide a Path for your apppcation in your Home Directory.
Step 5 − Choose appropriate environment for your Apppcation. Select Load on Boot, if you want your apppcation to automatically start, whenever your server starts.
Step 6 − Cpck Create to create a new Ruby on Rails Apppcation.
To delete a Ruby on Rails Apppcation, you can scroll down to the pst of currently Available Ruby on Rails Apppcation.
Cpck Delete pnk from Action button to delete the apppcation. You can also change the preferences of apppcation from this interface.
Create a Rewrite
Ruby on Rails apppcations run on a different port rather than the incoming traffic. People will access port number 80 or 443, which is for http and https, and hence you will need to redirect people from that port on to which Ruby on Rails apppcation is running. To create a rewrite, scroll down on Ruby on Rails Interface to Create a Rewrite. Cpck Create Rewrite pnk next to the app name of which you wish to create the rewrite.
It will take you to the following interface.
Choose a domain from the dropdown and if you want, you can specify a URL for that too in the URL text box.
Cpck Save to create a rewrite.