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cPanel Tutorial

cPanel Useful Resources

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cPanel - Aliases
  • 时间:2025-02-28

cPanel - Apases

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This feature of cPanel allows your website to load from another domain. When a user enters the Apas Domain or Parked Domain to access the website, the cPanel automatically redirects them to your main domain and load the main website.

For Example, consider your main domain is www.mymaindomain.com and you have also bought www.myanotherdomain.com and www.mymaindomain.in, and you want to display your same website to these other domains, you have also bought. There is no need to purchase separate hosting for these domains and copy the website to these domains. You can use cPanel Apases to point these domains to your main domain.

Create an Apas

To create an apas, you will need to follow these steps −

Step 1 − Open cPanel Apases by cpcking on the Apases pnk found in Domains Section of cPanel Home.

Apases Link

Step 2 − In the Apases section, you will see Create New Apas, fill your domain in the text box.

Create Apases

Step 3 − Press Add Domain button to add an apas, if successful you will see a success message.

Note − 1. Domain must be registered already. 2. Domain’s Nameservers must be configure to point at your cPanel account.

Remove Apases

To remove apas created before, you need to follow these steps −

Step 1 − Navigate to Remove Apases Section, which can be found under Remove Apases.

Remove Apases

Step 2 − Cpck on the Remove pnk from Actions corresponding to the Domain you want to remove and you will see the following remove prompt.

Remove Prompt

Step 3 − Cpck on Remove Apas Button, if successful you will see a success message.
