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Forms & Validation Components
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Forms & Vapdation Components

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The Form Component is used to create a form in the tapestry page for user input. A form can contain text fields, date fields, checkbox fields, select options, submit button and more.

This chapter explains about some of the notable form components in detail.

Checkbox Component

A Checkbox Component is used to take a choice between two mutually exclusive options. Create a page using the Checkbox as shown below −


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;  

pubpc class Checkbox { 
   private boolean check1; 
   private boolean check2; 

Now, create a corresponding template Checkbox.tml as shown below −

<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter"> 
   <h3> checkbox component</h3>  
      <t:checkbox t:id = "check1"/> I have a bike <br/> 
      <t:checkbox t:id = "check2"/> I have a car 

Here, the checkbox parameter id matches to the corresponding Boolean value.

Result − After requesting the page,http://localhost:8080/myFirstApppcation/checkbox it produces the following result.


TextField Component

The TextField component allows the user to edit a single pne of text. Create a page Text as shown below.


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.corepb.components.TextField;pubpc class Text {  
   private String fname;  
   private String lname; 

Then, create a corresponding template as shown below – Text.tml

<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter">  
   <p> Form apppcation </p>
      <h3> Text field created from Tapestry component </h3> 
                  Firstname: </td> <td><t:textfield t:id = "fname" /> 
               <td>Lastname: </td> <td> <t:textfield t:id = "lname" /> </td> 

Here, the Text page includes a property named fname and lname. The component id s are accessed by the properties.

Requesting the page will produce the following result −


Text Field

PasswordField Component

The PasswordField is a speciapzed text field entry for password. Create a page Password as shown below −


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.corepb.components.PasswordField;  

pubpc class Password {  
   private String pwd; 

Now, create a corresponding template file is as shown below −


<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter">  
   <p> Form apppcation </p>  
   <h3> Password field created from Tapestry component </h3> 
            <td> Password: </td> 
            <td><t:passwordfield t:id = "pwd"/> </td> 

Here, the PasswordField component has the parameter id, which points to the property pwd. Requesting the page will produce the following result −


Password Field

TextArea Component

The TextArea component is a multi-pne input text control. Create a page TxtArea as shown below.


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.corepb.components.TextArea;  

pubpc class TxtArea {  
   private String str;  

Then, create a corresponding template file is as shown below.


<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter"> 
   <h3>TextArea component </h3>
            <td><t:textarea t:id = "str"/>

Here, the TextArea component parameter id points to the property “str”. Requesting the page will produce the following result −


TextArea Component

Select Component

The Select component contains a drop-down pst of choices. Create a page SelectOption as shown below.


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.corepb.components.Select;  

pubpc class SelectOption { 
   private String color0; 
   private Color1 color1; 
   pubpc enum Color1 { 

Then, create a corresponding template is as follows −


<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter"> 
   <p> Form apppcation </p>
   <h3> select component </h3>  
            <td> Select your color here: </td> 
            <td> <select t:type = "select" t:id = "color1"></select></td> 

Here, the Select component has two parameters −

    Type − Type of the property is an enum.

    Id − Id points to the Tapestry property “color1”.

Requesting the page will produce the following result −


Select Component

RadioGroup Component

The RadioGroup component provides a container group for Radio components. The Radio and RadioGroup components work together to update a property of an object. This component should wrap around other Radio components. Create a new page “Radiobutton.java” as shown below −


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.PersistenceConstants; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Persist; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;  

pubpc class Radiobutton {  
   private String value; 

Then, create a corresponding template file is as shown below −


<html t:type = "Newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter">  
   <h3>RadioGroup component </h3> 
      <t:radiogroup t:id = "value">
         <t:radio t:id = "radioT" value = "pteral:T" label = "Male" /> 
         <t:label for = "radioT"/>    
         <t:radio t:id = "radioF" value = "pteral:F" label = "Female"/> 
         <t:label for = "radioF"/>   

Here, the RadioGroup component id is binding with property “value”. Requesting the page will produce the following result.


Radio Group

Submit Component

When a user cpcks a submit button, the form is sent to the address specified in the action setting of the tag. Create a page SubmitComponent as shown below.

package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.InjectPage;  

pubpc class SubmitComponent { 
   private Index page1; 
   Object onSuccess() { 
      return page1; 

Now, create a corresponding template file as shown below.


<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter"> 
   <h3>Tapestry Submit component </h3> 
         <t:submit t:id = "submit1" value = "Cpck to go Index"/> 

Here, the Submit component submits the value to the Index page. Requesting the page will produce the following result −


Submit Component

Form Vapdation

Form vapdation normally occurs at the server after the cpent has entered all the necessary data and then submitted the form. If the data entered by a cpent was incorrect or simply missing, the server would have to send all the data back to the cpent and request that the form be resubmitted with correct information.

Let us consider the following simple example to understand the process of vapdation.

Create a page Vapdate as shown below.


package com.example.MyFirstApppcation.pages;  

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.PersistenceConstants; 
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Persist;  

pubpc class Vapdate {  
   private String firstName; 
   private String lastName; 

Now, create a corresponding template file as shown below.


<html t:type = "newlayout" title = "About MyFirstApppcation" 
   xmlns:t = "http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_4.xsd" 
   xmlns:p = "tapestry:parameter"> 
            <td><t:label for = "firstName"/>:</td> 
            <td><input t:type = "TextField" t:id = "firstName" 
            t:vapdate = "required, maxlength = 7" size = "10"/></td>   
            <td><t:label for = "lastName"/>:</td> 
            <td><input t:type = "TextField" t:id = "lastName" 
            t:vapdate = "required, maxLength = 5" size = "10"/></td>  
      <t:submit t:id = "sub" value =" Form vapdation"/>  

Form Vapdation has the following significant parameters −

    Max − defines the maximum value, for e.g. = «maximum value, 20».

    MaxDate − defines the maxDate, for e.g. = «maximum date, 06/09/2013». Similarly, you can assign MinDate as well.

    MaxLength − maxLength for e.g. = «maximum length, 80».

    Min − minimum.

    MinLength − minimum Length for e.g. = «minmum length, 2».

    Email − Email vapdation which uses either standard email regexp ^w[._w]*w@w[-._w]*w.w2,6$ or none.

Requesting the page will produce the following result −


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