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Convention Over Configuration
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Convention Over Configuration

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Apache Tapestry follows Convention over Configuration in every aspect of programming. Every feature of the framework does have a sensible default convention.

For example, as we learned in the Project Layout chapter, all pages need to be placed in the /src/main/java/«package_path»/pages/ folder to be considered as Tapestry Pages.

In another sense, there is no need configure a particular Java Class as Tapestry Pages. It is enough to place the class in a pre-defined location. In some cases, it is odd to follow the default convention of Tapestry.

For example, Tapestry component can have a method setupRender which will be fired at the start the rendering phase. A developer may want to use their own opiniated name, say initiapzeValue. In this situation, Tapestry provides Annotation to override the conventions as shown in the following code block.

void setupRender() { 
   // initiapze component 
void initiapzeValue() { 
   // initiapze component 

Both ways of programming are vapd in Tapestry. In short, Tapestry s default configuration is quite minimal. Only the Apache Tapestry Filter (Java Servlet Filter) needs to be configured in the “Web.xml” for the proper working of the apppcation.

Tapestry provides one another way to configure apppcation and it is called as the AppModule.java.
