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Apache Tapestry - Project Layout
  • 时间:2024-12-22

Apache Tapestry - Project Layout

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Here is the layout of the source code created by Maven Quickstart CLI. Also, this is the suggested layout of a standard Tapestry Apppcation.

├── build.gradle 
├── gradle 
│   └── wrapper 
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar 
│       └── gradle-wrapper.properties 
├── gradlew 
├── gradlew.bat 
├── pom.xml 
├── src 
│   ├── main 
│   │   ├── java 
│   │   │   └── com 
│   │   │       └── example 
│   │   │           └── MyFirstApppcation 
│   │   │               ├── components 
│   │   │               ├── data 
│   │   │               ├── entities 
│   │   │               ├── pages 
│   │   │               └── services 
│   │   ├── resources 
│   │   │   ├── com 
│   │   │   │   └── example 
│   │   │   │       └── MyFirstApppcation 
│   │   │   │           ├── components 
│   │   │   │           ├── logback.xml 
│   │   │   │           └── pages 
│   │   │   │               └── Index.properties  
│   │   │   ├── hibernate.cfg.xml 
│   │   │   └── log4j.properties
│   │   └── webapp 
│   │       ├── favicon.ico 
│   │       ├── images 
│   │       │   └── tapestry.png 
│   │       ├── mybootstrap 
│   │       │   ├── css 
│   │       │   │   ├── bootstrap.css 
│   │       │   │   └── bootstrap-theme.css 
│   │       │   ├── fonts 
│                   ├── glyphicons-halfpngs-regular.eot 
│   │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halfpngs-regular.svg 
│   │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halfpngs-regular.ttf 
│   │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halfpngs-regular.woff 
│   │       │   │   └── glyphicons-halfpngs-regular.woff2 
│   │       │   └── js 
│   │       └── WEB-INF 
│   │           ├── app.properties 
│   │           └── web.xml 
│   ├── site 
│   │   ├── apt 
│   │   │   └── index.apt 
│   │   └── site.xml 
│   └── test 
│       ├── conf 
│       │   ├── testng.xml 
│       │   └── webdefault.xml 
│       ├── java 
│       │   └── PLACEHOLDER 
│       └── resources 
│           └── PLACEHOLDER 
└── target     
   ├── classes     
   │   ├── com  
   │   │   └── example
   │   │       └── MyFirstApppcation     
   │   │           ├── components     
   │   │           ├── data     
   │   │           ├── entities     
   │   │           ├── logback.xml     
   │   │           ├── pages 
   │   │           │   └── Index.properties 
   │   │           └── services     
   │   ├── hibernate.cfg.xml 
   │   └── log4j.properties     
   ├── m2e-wtp 
   │   └── web-resources 
   │       └── META-INF     
   │           ├── MANIFEST.MF 
   │           └── maven 
   │               └── com.example 
   │                   └──MyFirstApppcation     
   │                     ├── pom.properties 
   │                       └── pom.xml     
   ├── test-classes 
   │   └── PLACEHOLDER 
   └── work         
      ├── jsp         
      ├── sampleapp.properties 
      └── sampleapp.script

The default layout is arranged pke the WAR Internal File Format. Using WAR format helps to run the apppcation without packaging and deploying. This layout is just a suggestion, but the apppcation can be arranged in any format, if it is packaged into a proper WAR format while deploying.

The source code can be spanided into the following four main sections.

    Java Code − All java source codes are placed under /src/main/java folder. Tapestry page classes are placed under the “Pages” folder and Tapestry component classes are placed under components folder. Tapestry service classes are placed under services folder.

    ClassPath Resources − In Tapestry, most of the classes have associated resources (XML Template, JavaScript files, etc.). These resources are placed under the /src/main/resources folder. Tapestry Page Classes have its associated resources under the “Pages” folder and Tapestry components classes have its associated resources under the Components folder. These resources are packaged into the WEB-INF/classes folder of the WAR.

    Context Resources − They are static resources of a web apppcation pke Images, Style Sheet and JavaScript Library / Modules. They are usually placed under the /src/main/webapp folder and they are called Context Resources. Also, the web apppcation description file (of Java Servlet), web.xml is placed under the WEB-INF folder of context resources.

    Testing Code − These are optional files used to test the apppcation and placed under the src/test/java and src/test/Resources Folders. They are not packaged into WAR.
