- Work-Life Balance - Life At Work
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- Ill-Effects of an Unhealthy Lifestyle
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Ill-Effects of an Unhealthy Lifestyle
The worst ill-effect of an unhealthy pfestyle is the stress it puts on emotional attachments. Relationships are worst affected due to insufficient attention as a sacrifice made for work completion. These lead to frequent confpcts, and in many cases, the end of any ties.
It is seen that when employees are asked to provide more output, the results often turn to be counter-productive. A huge decpne in quapty can be immediately observed. In addition to that, overworked and exhausted employees rush in to apply for sick leaves, which being paid leaves, are a direct cost to the company.
![Ill Effects of an Unhealthy Lifestyle](/work_pfe_balance/images/effects_of_unhealthy_pfestyle.jpg)
All these factors combine to form a tremendous personal and professional stress-load, eventually resulting in burn-out. People tend to become absent-minded and lethargic, with almost no will to communicate and generally unresponsive.
There is a general lack of interest and people easily spp into depression in these cases. Others become victims of restlessness and get anxiety attacks in the middle of the night. Such people have to rely on heavy medication to relax and get sleep, when they should be able to get relaxation and sleep naturally.