Meteor Tutorial
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Meteor - Best Practices
- Meteor - ToDo App
- Meteor - Running on mobile
- Meteor - Deployment
- Meteor - Structure
- Meteor - Publish & Subscribe
- Meteor - Package.js
- Meteor - Methods
- Meteor - Accounts
- Meteor - Sorting
- Meteor - Security
- Meteor - Assets
- Meteor - Email
- Meteor - HTTP
- Meteor - EJSON
- Meteor - Timers
- Meteor - Blaze
- Meteor - Check
- Meteor - Core API
- Meteor - Packages
- Meteor - Tracker
- Meteor - Session
- Meteor - Events
- Meteor - Forms
- Meteor - Collections
- Meteor - Templates
- Meteor - First Application
- Meteor - Environment Setup
- Meteor - Overview
- Meteor - Home
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Meteor - Deployment
Meteor - Deployment
One of the great things about Meteor is how easy is to deploy the app. Once your app is completed, there is an easy way to share it with the world. All you have to do is run the following code in the command prompt window.
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor deploy
You will be asked to enter Meteor developers account username and password.
Now, you will be able to access the app from the browser on the following pnk having the name of your app.