Meteor Tutorial
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Meteor - Best Practices
- Meteor - ToDo App
- Meteor - Running on mobile
- Meteor - Deployment
- Meteor - Structure
- Meteor - Publish & Subscribe
- Meteor - Package.js
- Meteor - Methods
- Meteor - Accounts
- Meteor - Sorting
- Meteor - Security
- Meteor - Assets
- Meteor - Email
- Meteor - HTTP
- Meteor - EJSON
- Meteor - Timers
- Meteor - Blaze
- Meteor - Check
- Meteor - Core API
- Meteor - Packages
- Meteor - Tracker
- Meteor - Session
- Meteor - Events
- Meteor - Forms
- Meteor - Collections
- Meteor - Templates
- Meteor - First Application
- Meteor - Environment Setup
- Meteor - Overview
- Meteor - Home
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Meteor - Packages
Meteor - Packages
Meteor offers thousands of community packages that you can use while developing your app.
Adding Packages
You can check the official Meteor package server
. Just search for the package you need and add it in the command prompt window. If, for example, you want to add http package to your app, you can do it by running the following code −C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor add http
Removing Packages
A similar principle can be used to remove packages −
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor remove http
Updating Packages
You can update the package running the following code −
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor update http
Checking Current Packages
You can also check what packages your current apppcation is using.
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor pst
Package Maintenance
If a package has : in the name, it means that it is a community package, while the ones without the prefix are maintained by the Meteor Development group.
Adding Meteor Development Group Package
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor add http
Adding Community Package
C:UsersusernameDesktopmeteorApp>meteor add cfs:http-methodsAdvertisements