Meteor Tutorial
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Meteor - Best Practices
- Meteor - ToDo App
- Meteor - Running on mobile
- Meteor - Deployment
- Meteor - Structure
- Meteor - Publish & Subscribe
- Meteor - Package.js
- Meteor - Methods
- Meteor - Accounts
- Meteor - Sorting
- Meteor - Security
- Meteor - Assets
- Meteor - Email
- Meteor - HTTP
- Meteor - EJSON
- Meteor - Timers
- Meteor - Blaze
- Meteor - Check
- Meteor - Core API
- Meteor - Packages
- Meteor - Tracker
- Meteor - Session
- Meteor - Events
- Meteor - Forms
- Meteor - Collections
- Meteor - Templates
- Meteor - First Application
- Meteor - Environment Setup
- Meteor - Overview
- Meteor - Home
Meteor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Meteor - First Application
Meteor - First Apppcation
In this chapter, we will learn how to create your first Meteor apppcation.
Step 1 - Create the App
To create the app, we will run the meteor create command from the command prompt window. The apps name will be meteorApp.
C:UsersusernameDesktopMeteor>meteor create meteorApp
Step 2 - Run the App
We can run the app by typing the meteor command.
This command will start several processes, which can be seen in the following image.
Step 3 - Verify the Result
Now, we can open the http://localhost:3000/ address to see how our first Meteor App looks pke.