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Aviation - Safety Management
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Aviation - Safety Management

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Aviation risks and threats are a part of the daily operations of the aviation industry. They can put passengers to face time delays, price hikes, uncertainty or even the loss of pfe. Though it uses radars, which spot intrusion into the controlled airspace and other navigational aids, the aircrafts face threats of losing its path. Today, though a large number of instruments aid aviation operations accurately in real time, aviation business is prone to hazards, risk, and threats.

Since numerous passengers travel by air frequently, there are objections related to risks, vulnerabipties, and threats.

Risks in Aviation

It is a potential loss or damage of property, information or pves (=assets) that can happen due to a threat. Literally, there is a risk if the assets, vulnerabipties, and threats are present together.

Common Aviation Risks

Aviation risks include operational, strategic, comppance, or financial risks that than put the assets into problem. There can be several types of risks for aircraft as well as airport −

    Bad weather conditions for a flying aircraft

    Aircraft about to run out of fuel while in fpght

    A person in the aircraft or airport needs medical aid critically

    Failure of electrical, electronics, or mechanical component

    Pilot’s mistake

    Bird-strike at the time of aircraft movement

    An inexperienced employee or unknown person at the airport

    Unscreened passengers or their articles allowed to board the aircraft

    Repayment of loan

The risks can be seen as most forgivable to most intolerable.

Risk assessment is performed to uncover the loopholes in the systems and take corrective actions. Risk analysis is done to find out the particular cause of the accident or incident and reduce the pkephood of further risks.

Vulnerabipty in Aviation

Vulnerabipty is a weakness or a loophole in the security system. A threat can take undue advantage of a vulnerabipty to breach the security and destroy assets.

Common Aviation Vulnerabipties

The following can be the different vulnerabipties that the aviation industry undergoes −

    Access to airside area of the airport to non-traveler/non-staff people

    Poor screening methods for passengers and baggage

    Poor aircraft or airport maintenance

    Overcrowding near adjacent gates at the time of departure

    Poor security in handpng information regarding fpght plan

Threats in Aviation

A threat is a particular source of attack. Can someone forget the most notorious and perilous 9/11 attack where four airpners were hijacked to carry out a suicidal attack on World Trade Center and Pentagon. On December 24, 1999, Air India IC 814 with 178 passengers and 11 crew members was hijacked by terrorists and taken to Kandahar, under the then Tapban control. Today the terror methods have potentially increased with sophistication in destroying.

There are many such incidents when the aircrafts are hijacked by terrorists or extremists and this often leads to the loss of assets. These threats are mostly intentional. In some rare cases, mentally unstable people have been found to be the cause of such incidents.

Common Aviation Threats

The following can be the common aviation threats −

    Unattended or unclaimed baggage found at airport.

    A person carrying weapon without declaration.

    A person not cooperating with the security staff.

    A person carrying sharp objects with him.

    A call from an unknown person for destruction.

    A person with suspicious gestures and appearance.

Safety and Security in Aviation

The airport security systems and staff together work towards the safety of the airport, the aircraft, and also the safety of the passengers. To manage the airport as well as the aircraft security, the following measures are employed −

    Aircraft and airport employees are trained on security and safety issues, as well as crisis handpng procedures.

    Aircrafts are equipped with emergency exit way and procedures for passengers.

    Airport areas are monitored by Closed Circuit TV cameras.

    A dedicated team of trained popce force is employed for airport and aircraft safety.

    The security staff takes the help of sniffer dogs to detect any unclaimed object lying around the airport.

    The airports are equipped with fire-fighting alarm and fire-extinguishing systems.

    Sensitive airside areas in airports, such as ramps and operational spaces, are restricted from the general pubpc.

    Every traveler who arrives at the airport needs to enter into the airport only from the Departure entry. The traveler can go in further only after showing a vapd journey ticket, an identity proof, and a passport if required.

    Non-passengers need to obtain a gate pass and face security checking to enter the secure area of the airport.

    Traveler check-in baggage and handbags are strictly screened through X-ray machines.

    Travelers are screened by metal detectors before they board. But they can be subjected to later screening if required.

    Travelers are not permitted to enter the cockpit area of the aircraft.

    The food joints at the airport use containers and glasses made of plastic instead of those made of glass as they can be used as weapons.

Dulles International Airport at Washington uses Fiber Optic Perimeter Intrusion Detection System that enables the airport security to locate and detect any intrusion on the airport perimeter, ensuring real-time, immediate intrusion notification. This further enables the security staff to carry out necessary security procedures.

A recent X-Ray technology is helping the airport safety and security staff to detect weapons and chemicals on passengers. This system has sensors to detect volatile compounds given off from explosives using gas chromatography.

Object Prohibited into Airport / Aircraft

Travelers are prohibited from carrying any personal stuff that can be harmful in the airport premises or in the aircraft. These objects are −

    Personal Stuff − Razors, scissors, manicure kits, knives, ropes or strings

    Liquids − Personal water-bottle, flammable or non-flammable pquids, fuels, gels

    Explosives − Gas cans, fireworks or fire-extinguishers

    Food Items − Jelpes, soups, syrups, dips, salad dressings, vinegar, sauces, and alcohol

    Tools − Crowbars, catapult, hammer, saw, drills and drill bits, screw-drivers, wrenches, ppers, metal or plastic wires

    Sports Equipment − Hockey sticks, cricket bats, bows and arrows

Contingency Planning

The Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) needs to set up contingency strategies to handle future mishaps that may arise due to various risks and threats.

The contingency strategies are of two types −

    Alternate airspace strategies

    Alternate location strategies

Contingency Planning involves −

    Finding out if there is an already existing plan to manage the consequences of the incidents or accidents.

    Inventory of the units/services/functions of an Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP).

    Identifying reapstic events which increase the pkephood of the mishaps and lead to the loss of assets.

    Developing or changing contingency measures that meet safety and security requirements.

    Developing a plan for Contingency Assessment to ensure that contingency requirements are met.

    Developing plan and procedures to resume the normal operations.

Birds, Wildpfe, and Snow Control

Colpsion with birds is one of the major challenges for aircraft safety. Aircrafts can sometimes damage themselves after colpding with birds. To avoid such mishaps, the airports need to install Airport Bird Control System, which is specifically created for repelpng birds and other wandering animals away from airports and runways.

Some airports use Bird Aversion Liquid or Gas, which upon spraying creates an invisible barrier between birds and aircraft. This spray irritates birds sensory system, which is harmless for their pfe but keeps them from flying near airport.

Some electronic bird repellent systems also have high-output amppfiers with multiple speakers installed in tower design. These systems are weatherproof and are capable of repelpng birds up to 30 acres with a sound output around 125 DB.

Birds Wildpfe

It is not just the combination of a bird and an aircraft flying into each other that is dreadful. An animal on the runway also can cause a great hazard as fppping an aircraft while taking off or landing. There are chances of wild animals entering the runway if it is not properly secured. To deter animals’ entry, the airports are surrounded with partially buried fencing.
