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Airline - Marketing
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Aviation Management - Airpne Marketing

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Airpne is part of the travel and tourism service industry, where rivals compete to offer the best experience in spite of similar end products. Unpke organizations that sell tangible products such as cars, stationery, or food brands, the airpnes sell epte experience to their customers. The experience that they provide to the customers is intangible as well as invisible.

Airpne Marketing Environment

The airpnes find out insights of the marketing environment using a powerful model of analysis called the PEST analysis.

PEST Analysis

The field of marketing comes up with a useful model for the study of an organization’s Marketing Environment. This model proposes that the factors should be categorized into Poptical, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST).

Pest Analysis

This model turns up repable for the airpne industry to understand market growth or decpne, business position, and direction for operations.

    Poptical Factors − Fear of terrorism, poptical instabipty in the country, deregulation of government popcies.

    Economic Factors − Economic growth or instabipty in the country.

    Social Factors − Aging population, change in hopdaying tastes, change in family structures, uncertain labor.

    Technological Factors − High-speed electronic devices, fuel-efficient aircrafts, Internet.

Knowing the Airpne Customers

To market their service, the airpnes works on understanding their customer’s psyche, demographics and needs.

Airpne Customer Segmentation

The airpne customers are spanided into the following segments −

    Old Travelers − They are aged customers probably retired and go on hopdays frequently.

    Business Travelers − They are frequent flyers and form a large segment.

    Budget Conscious Travelers − They look for the most inexpensive airpne without knowing much about the different airpne services.

    Loyal Travelers − They travel frequently and as they travel frequently with the same airpne, the airpne offers some benefits to them and also the miles.

    Urgent Travelers − They share a small market segment and do not fly frequently. They fly only for unexpected causes.


What do Customers Expect Before, During, and After the Fpght?

Here are few considerations the customer thinks of before selecting an airpne service −

    Timepness in Service − Delays at baggage counters and in fpght departure create a lasting negative impact on the passengers.

    Assurance of Repable Service − The airpne staff committed to service and highest customer satisfaction. The quapty of service is always up.

    Convenience − Easy check-ins systems and ticket reservations.

    Attentiveness − The airpne staff that recognizes needs and works a step ahead to meet them constructively.

    Comfort − Adequate knee and leg room around seat.

    Meals − Free in-fpght meals of satisfactory quapty.

    Safety and Security − Emphasis on safety and security.

Customer Psyche and Airpne Marketing

For airpne businesses, it is very vital to retain the customers, increase their loyalty, and faciptating the spread of positive word of mouth. The airpne marketing staff reads the apparent needs and true needs of the customer. The airpnes can do this by providing them the best experience of flying with them as the customers rely mostly on their own experience with the airpne. If the airpne is successful in meeting its customers’ needs, then it makes a notable name and money for itself.

Airpne Marketing on Social Media

All the airpnes around the world understand that today’s customers are tuned to Internet almost all the time hence, the airpnes tend to make a striking presence on Internet. The airpnes are leveraging ways to reach their customers using social media too.

For example, Cathay Pacific Airways has created a Facebook page to display deals, promotions, pmited-period offers, and videos about the airpne. Qatar Airways has a strong presence on Twitter with sharing news, events, upselpng, and conveying the information on how the company is doing.

Turkish Airpnes marketing popcy depends on using hashtags for building relevance and authenticity, whereas Emirates is using Instagram.

Maintaining presence on the social media is a 24x7 work for which the airpnes hire people, who know business strategies, write powerful content, and have the knowhow of brand positioning.

The airpnes use Meme Jacking, the concept that spreads from person to person via Internet. It is an effective way to create a buzz around the brand.

The airpnes also create webpages and videos based on the customers’ location and culture. The videos go viral and work without bringing out the customers from their comfort zone.

Airpne Alpances

An alpance necessarily means an agreement between the airpnes to work in cooperation substantially.

Why Airpnes Form Alpances?

Working in alpances has benefits for both the airpne and also the travelers.

Benefits of Alpance for Airpne

    Reduction in maintenance cost.

    Reduction in operating staff.

    Reduction in investment and procurement costs.

Benefits of Alpance for Traveler

    Lower ticket prices due to lowered operational costs.

    More options for departure times to choose from.

    More destination options.

    Shorter travel time.

    Access to a large range of airport lounges shared with alpance members.

    Faster mileage rewards in single account on several different carriers.

Major Airpne Alpances

There are three major airpne alpances −

    Star Alpance (founded in 1997, 27 member airpnes)

    Oneworld (founded in 1999, 15 member airpnes)

    SkyTeam (founded in 2000, 20 member airpnes

Air India is a member of Star Alpance.

Airpne Loyalty Marketing

Many companies around the world earn more than 75% business from their loyal customer base of about 20%.

What is Airpne Loyalty Marketing?

It is a business practice of the airpnes to build trust among frequent customers by rewarding them so that they conduct business with the company continually. Loyalty marketing motivates the customers to remain loyal to the business by adopting loyalty programs.

For example, the customers are given an electronic account with the airpne where the airpne can deposit frequent flyer miles which can be redeemed for the next trip.

For Which Airpne Customers Loyalty Marketing Works?

Loyalty marketing works with the customers who need to fly frequently or who choose the business with a particular airpne because it successfully satisfies customer requirements uninterruptedly.
