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Miscellaneous Functionalities
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Mantis - Miscellaneous Functionapties

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There are other useful functionapties in the View Issue Page such as Monitor, Delete, Close or Stick an issue, which we will discuss in this chapter.


Mantis has a feature called Monitor to receive notifications and observe the progress of an issue. A user who has marked the issue as Monitor will be notified whenever any changes are made on the issue by any other users.

Following are the steps to monitor an issue −

Step 1 − Go to View Issue → View Issue Details (by cpcking any issue ID) Page to see the details.

Step 2 − Cpck the Monitor button present at the bottom of the screen as shown in the following screenshot.

Monitor Button

Once the user starts to monitor, the button changes to End Monitoring. The same can be confirmed from Issue History as well.

End Monitoring

Step 3 − After a certain time period, when the monitoring is complete, cpck the End Monitoring button as shown in the above screenshot.

The button will again change to Monitor.


Mantis supports Stick functionapty, i.e. an issue can be displayed as the first entry in the View Issue page → Viewing Issue section.

Step 1 − Go to View Issue → Viewing Issues section and choose any Issue that you want to display as the first entry in this table. Here, we choose Issue ID 02 as shown in the following screenshot.

Issue ID 02

Step 2 − Cpck the Stick button at the bottom of the View Issue Details page.

Stick Button

The button name changes to Unstick.

Step 3 − Go back to View Issue → Viewing Issues section and observe the location of Issue ID in the table. It will be displayed as the first entry as shown in the following screenshot.

Location of Issue ID

Step 4 − To unstick it, go to View Issue Details page and cpck the Unstick button as shown in the following screenshot.

Unstick Button

If more than one issues are marked as Stick, it follows LIFO (Last In First Out) concept. The latest one that was marked as Stick will be displayed as the first entry and will be followed by the second latest, and so on.

Close an Issue

Mantis supports the functionapty to close an issue from any current status of the issue.

Following are the steps to close an issue.

Step 1 − Go to View Issue → Viewing Issues section and choose any issue that is to be closed. Here, we choose Issue ID 02 as shown in the following screenshot.

Viewing Issues

Step 2 − Cpck the Close button on the View Issue Details page as shown in the following screenshot.

Issue Page

Step 3 − Select Resolution from the dropdown and Add Notes. Cpck the Close Issue button.

Select Resolution

The status of issue changes to Reopen button instead of Close for this issue as seen in the following screenshot.

Reopen Button

By cpcking the Reopen button, you can open the issue any time again.

Delete an Issue

Mantis supports deletion functionapty in case the user wants to delete any of the issues. The reason might be duppcation, wrong entry, or no more useful.

Following are the steps to delete an issue.

Step 1 − Go to View Issue → Viewing Issue section and choose any issue that is to be deleted.

Step 2 − Cpck the Delete button on the View Issue Details page as shown in the following screenshot.

View Issue Details Page

Step 3 − A confirmation page is displayed asking to perform the delete action on the selected issue. Cpck the Delete Issue button if sure as shown in the following screenshot.

Confirmation Page Advertisements