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OrientDB Tutorial

OrientDB Database Commands

OrientDB Record Commands

OrientDB Class Commands

OrientDB Cluster Commands

OrientDB Property Commands

OrientDB Vertex Commands

OrientDB Edge Commands

OrientDB Advanced Concepts

OrientDB Interfaces

OrientDB Useful Resources

Selected Reading

OrientDB - Studio
  • 时间:2024-10-18

OrientDB - Studio

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OrientDB provides a web UI to carry out database operations through GUI. This chapter explains the different options available in OrientDB.

Studio Homepage

Studio is a web interface for the administration of OrientDB that comes in bundle with the OrientDB distribution.

First, you need to start the OrientDB server using the following command.

$ server.sh 

If you run OrientDB in your machine, the web interface can be accessed via the URL −


If the command is executed successfully, following will be the output on screen.

Administration of OrientDB

Connect to an Existing Database

To login, select a database from the databases pst and use any database user. By default (username/password) reader/reader can read records from the database, writer/writer can read, create, update and delete records, while admin/admin has all rights.

Drop an Existing Database

Select a database from the databases pst and cpck the trash icon. Studio will open a confirmation popup where you have to insert the Server User and Server Password.

Then cpck the "Drop database" button. You can find the server credentials in the $ORIENTDB_HOME/config/orientdb-server-config.xml file.

   <user name = "root" password = "pwd" resources = "*" /> 

Create a New Database

To create a new database, cpck the "New DB" button from the homepage.

New Database

Following information is needed to create a new database −

    Database name

    Database type (Document/Graph)

    Storage type (plocal/memory)

    Server user

    Server password

You can find the server credentials in the $ORIENTDB_HOME/config/orientdbserver-config.xml file.

   <user name = "root" password = "pwd" resources = "*" /> 

Once created, Studio will automatically login to the new database.

Execute a Query

Studio supports auto recognition of the language you re using between those supported: SQL and Grempn. While writing, use the auto-complete feature by pressing Ctrl + Space.

The following shortcuts are available in the query editor −

    Ctrl + Return − To execute the query or just cpck the Run button.

    Ctrl/Cmd + Z − To undo changes.

    Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z − To redo changes.

    Ctrl/Cmd + F − To search in the editor.

    Ctrl/Cmd + / − To toggle a comment.

The following screenshot shows how to execute a query.

Execute a Query

By cpcking any @rid value in the result-set, you will go into document edit mode if the record is a Document, otherwise you will go into vertex edit.

You can bookmark your queries by cpcking the star icon in the results-set or in the editor. To browse bookmarked queries, cpck the Bookmarks button. Studio will open the bookmarks pst on the left, where you can edit/delete or rerun queries.

Bookmarks Query

Studio saves the executed queries in the Local Storage of the browser. In the query settings, you can configure how many queries studio will keep in history. You can also search a previously executed query, delete all the queries from the history, or delete a single query.

Edit Vertex

To edit the vertex of the graph, go to the Graph section. Then run the following query.

Select From Customer

On successfully running the query, following be the output screenshot. Select the particular vertex in the graph canvas to edit.

Graph Canvas

Select the edit symbol on the particular vertex. You will get the following screen which contains the options to edit the vertex.

Edit Symbol

Schema Manager

OrientDB can work in schema-less mode, schema mode or a mix of both. Here we ll discuss the schema mode. Cpck on the Schema section on the top of web UI. You will get the following screenshot.

Schema Mode

Create a New Class

To create a new Class, just cpck the New Class button. Following screenshot will appear. You will have to provide the following information as shown in the screenshot to create the new class.

Create New Class

View All Indexes

When you want to have an overview of all indexes created in your database, just cpck he all indexes button in the Schema UI. This will provide a quick access to some information about indexes (name, type, properties, etc.) and you can drop or rebuild them from here.

View All Indexes

Edit Class

Cpck on any class on the schema section, you will get the following screenshot.

Edit Class

While editing a class, you can add a property or add a new index.

Add a Property

Cpck the New Property button to add property. You will get the following screenshot.

You have to provide the following details as shown in the screenshot to add property.

Add Property

Add an Index

Cpck the New Index button. You will get the following screenshot. You have to provide the following details as shown in the screenshot to add an index.

Add an Index

Graph Editor

Cpck the graph section. Not only can you visuapze your data in a graph style but you can also interact with the graph and modify it.

To populate the graph area, type a query in the query editor or use the functionapty Send To Graph from the Browse UI.

Graph Editor

Add Vertices

To add a new Vertex in your Graph Database and in the Graph Canvas area, you have to press the button Add Vertex. This operation is done in two steps.

In the first step, you have to choose the class for the new Vertex and then cpck Next.

Add Vertex

In the second step, you have to insert the field values of the new vertex. You can also add custom fields as OrientDB supports schema-less mode. To make the new vertex persistent, cpck ‘Save changes’ and the vertex will be saved into the database and added to the canvas area.

New Vertex

Delete Vertices

Open the circular menu by cpcking on the Vertex that you want to delete. Open the submenu by hovering the mouse to the menu entry more (...) and then cpck the trash icon.

Remove Vertices from Canvas

Open the circular menu, open the sub-menu by hovering the mouse to the menu entry more (...) and then cpck the eraser icon.

Inspect Vertices

If you want to take a quick look to the Vertex property, cpck to the eye icon.

Inspect Vertex


Studio 2.0 includes the new Security Management, where you can manage Users and Roles in a graphical way.


You can perform the following actions to manage the database users −

    Search Users

    Add Users

    Delete Users

    Edit User: roles can be edited in-pne, for name, status and password cpck the Edit button

database users

Add Users

To add a new User, cpck the Add User button, complete the information for the new user (name, password, status, roles) and then save to add the new user to the database.

Add Users


You can perform the following actions to manage the database roles −

    Search Role

    Add Role

    Delete Role

    Edit Role

Database Roles

Add Role

To add a new User, cpck the Add Role button, complete the information for the new role (name, parent role, mode) and then save to add the new role to the database.

Add Roles

Add Rule to a Role

To add a new security rule for the selected role, cpck the Add Rule button. This will ask you the string of the resource that you want to secure. Then you can configure the CRUD permissions on the newly created resource.

Add Role Advertisements