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OrientDB - Update Record
  • 时间:2024-10-18

OrientDB - Update Record

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Update Record command is used to modify the value of a particular record. SET is the basic command to update a particular field value.

The following statement is the basic syntax of the Update command.

UPDATE <class>|cluster:<cluster>|<recordID> 
   [SET|INCREMENT|ADD|REMOVE|PUT <field-name> = <field-value>[,]*] |[CONTENT| MERGE <JSON>] 
   [RETURN <returning> [<returning-expression>]] 
   [WHERE <conditions>] 
   [LOCK default|record] 
   [LIMIT <max-records>] [TIMEOUT <timeout>] 

Following are the details about the options in the above syntax.

SET − Defines the field to update.

INCREMENT − Increments the specified field value by the given value.

ADD − Adds the new item in the collection fields.

REMOVE − Removes an item from the collection field.

PUT − Puts an entry into map field.

CONTENT − Replaces the record content with JSON document content.

MERGE − Merges the record content with a JSON document.

LOCK − Specifies how to lock the records between load and update. We have two options to specify Default and Record.

UPSERT − Updates a record if it exists or inserts a new record if it doesn’t. It helps in executing a single query in the place of executing two queries.

RETURN − Specifies an expression to return instead of the number of records.

LIMIT − Defines the maximum number of records to update.

TIMEOUT − Defines the time you want to allow the update run before it times out.


Let us consider the same Customer table that we have used in the previous chapter.


Try the following query to update the age of a customer ‘Raja’.

Orientdb {db = demo}> UPDATE Customer SET age = 28 WHERE name =  Raja 

If the above query is executed successfully, you will get the following output.

Updated 1 record(s) in 0.008000 sec(s).

To check the record of Customer table you can use the following query.

orientdb {db = demo}> SELECT FROM Customer 

If the above query is executed successfully, you will get the following output.

#   |@RID |@CLASS  |id  |name   |age  
0   |#11:0|Customer|1   |satish |25   
1   |#11:1|Customer|2   |krishna|26   
2   |#11:2|Customer|3   |kiran  |29 
3   |#11:3|Customer|4   |javeed |21 
4   |#11:4|Customer|5   |raja   |28   