8085 Microprocessor
- 8085 Instruction Sets
- Addressing Modes & Interrupts
- 8085 Pin Configuration
- Microprocessor - 8085 Architecture
8086 Microprocessor
- 8086 Addressing Modes
- Microprocessor - 8086 Interrupts
- 8086 Instruction Sets
- 8086 Pin Configuration
- 8086 Functional Units
- Microprocessor - 8086 Overview
Multiprocessor Configuration
I/O Interfacing
- Microcontrollers - 8051 Interrupts
- 8051 Input Output Ports
- 8051 Pin Description
- Microcontrollers - 8051 Architecture
- Microcontrollers - Overview
Peripheral Devices
- 8253/54 - Operational Modes
- 8253 - Programmable Interval Timer
- Intel 8255A - Pin Description
- Programmable Peripheral Interface
Microprocessor Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes

Microprocessor Tutorial
A microprocessor is a controlpng unit of a micro-computer, fabricated on a small chip capable of performing Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) operations and communicating with the other devices connected to it. In this tutorial, we will discuss the architecture, pin diagram and other key concepts of microprocessors.
This tutorial is designed for all those readers pursing either Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science. It will help them understand the basic concepts related to Microprocessors.
In this tutorial, all the topics have been explained from elementary level. Therefore, a beginner can understand this tutorial very easily. However if you have a prior knowledge of computer architecture in general, then it will be quite easy to grasp the concepts explained here.