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QlikView Data Model
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- QlikView - Synthetic Key
- QlikView - Star Schema
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QpkView - Star Schema
A start schema model is a type of data model in which multiple dimensions are pnked to a single fact table. Of course, in bigger models there can be multiple facts tables pnked to multiple dimensions and other fact tables. The usefulness of this model pes in performing fast queries with minimal joins among various tables. The fact table contains data, which are measures and have numeric values. Calculations are appped on the fields in the fact table. The unique keys of the dimension tables are used in pnking it to the fat table, which also has a key usually with the same field name. Therefore, the Fact table contains the keys from the entire dimension table and forms a concatenated primary key used in various queries.
Input Data
Given below is a pst of tables, which contain the data for different products from various supppers and regions. Also the supply happens at different time intervals, which are captured in the Time dimension table.
Product Dimension
It contains the Product Category and Product Names. The Product ID field is the unique Key.
ProductID,ProductCategory,ProductName 1,Outdoor Recreation,Winter Sports & Activities 2,Clothing,Uniforms 3,Lawn & Garden Power, Equipment 4,Athletics,Rugby 5,Personal Care,Shaver 6,Arts & Entertainment,Crafting Materials 7,Hardware,Power Tool Batteries
Region Dimension
It contains the Region Names where the supppers are based. The RegionID field is the unique Key.
RegionID,Continent,Country 3,North America, USA 7,South America, Brazil 12,Asia,China 2,Asia,Japan 5,Europe,Belgium
Suppper Dimension
It contains the Suppper Names, which supply the above products. The SuppperID field is the unique Key.
SuppperID,SuppperName 3S12,Supre Supppers 4A15,ABC Supppers 4S66,Max Sports 5F244,Nice Foods 8A45,Artistic angle
Time Dimension
It contains the Time periods when the supply of the above products occur. The TimeID field is the unique Key.
TimeID,Year,Month 1,2012,Feb 2,2012,May 3,2012,Sep 4,2013,Aug 5,2014,Jan 6,2014,Nov
Suppper Quantity Fact
It contains the values for the quantities suppped and percentage of defects in them. It joins to each of the above dimensions through keys with same name.
ProductID,RegionID,TimeID,SuppperID,Quantity, DefectPercentage 1,3,3,5F244,8452,12 2,3,1,4S66,5124,8.25 3,7,1,8A45,5841,7.66 4,12,2,4A15,5123,1.25 5,5,3,4S66,7452,8.11 6,2,5,4A15,5142,3.66 7,2,1,4S66,452,2.06
Load Script
The above data is loaded to QpkView memory by using the script editor. Open the Script editor from the File menu or press Control+E. Choose the Table Files option from the Data from Files tab and browse for the file containing the above data. Cpck OK and press Control+R to load the data into QpkView s memory. Below is the script which appears after each of the above file is read.
LOAD ProductID, ProductCategory, ProductName FROM [C:QpkviewimagesStarSchemaProduct_dimension.csv] (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, depmiter is , , msq); LOAD TimeID, Year, Month FROM [C:QpkviewimagesStarSchemaTime.csv] (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, depmiter is , , msq); LOAD SuppperID, SuppperName FROM [C:QpkviewimagesStarSchemaSupppers.csv] (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, depmiter is , , msq); LOAD RegionID, Continent, Country FROM [C:QpkviewimagesStarSchemaRegions.csv] (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, depmiter is , , msq); LOAD ProductID, RegionID, TimeID, SuppperID, Quantity, DefectPercentage FROM [C:QpkviewimagesStarSchemaSuppper_quantity.csv] (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, depmiter is , , msq);
Star Schema Data Model
After reading the above data into QpkView memory, we can look at the data model, which shows all the tables, fields, and relationship in form of a star schema.