- QlikView - Navigation
- QlikView - Architecture
- QlikView - Desktop Installation
- QlikView - Overview
- QlikView - Home
QlikView Data Loading
- QlikView - Data - files(QVD)
- QlikView - Incremental Load
- QlikView - Preceding Load
- QlikView - Resident Load
- QlikView - Inline Data
- QlikView - Database
- QlikView - Web file
- QlikView - XML file
- QlikView - Delimited file
- QlikView - Excel file
QlikView Report Interface
- QlikView - Dashboard
- QlikView - Pie Chart
- QlikView - Bar Chart
- QlikView - Text Object
- QlikView - Multi Box
- QlikView - List Box
- QlikView - Documents
- QlikView - RangeSum Function
- QlikView - Peek Function
- QlikView - Rank Function
- QlikView - Match Function
- QlikView - Aggregate Functions
- QlikView - IntervalMatch
- Qlikview - Functions
- QlikView - Scripting
- QlikView - Sheet and Objects
QlikView Data Transformation
- QlikView - Rotating Tables
- QlikView - Column Manipulation
- QlikView - Fill Function
- QlikView - Transformation Wizard
QlikView Data Model
- QlikView - Generating Data
- QlikView - Synthetic Key
- QlikView - Star Schema
- QlikView - Dimensions & measures
QlikView Data Analysis
- QlikView - Circular Reference
- QlikView - Mapping Tables
- QlikView - Master Calendar
- QlikView - Concatenation
- QlikView - Keeps
- QlikView - Joins
- QlikView - Set Analysis
- QlikView - Pivot Tables
- QlikView - Straight Tables
- QlikView - Cross Tables
Qlikview Useful Resources
- Qlikview - Discussion
- Qlikview - Useful Resources
- Qlikview - Quick Guide
- Qlikview - Questions/Answers
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
QpkView - Navigation
In this chapter, we will get acquainted with the screens available to a user for doing various operations. We will learn the basic navigation and know the different functions performed by the icons available in QpkView.
Getting Started Screen
This screen is a gentle introduction to navigate around QpkView. This screen comes up when you start QpkView and keep the Show start page when launching QpkView option checked. If you scroll down the examples section in the left, you can cpck any of the examples pke − Movies Database, Data Visuapzation etc. to invoke it and see how QpkView works. Feel free to cpck around! On moving to the right, you notice the Recent and Favourites pnk, which show all the recently visited QpkView documents and the documents you want to visit frequently.
Menu Commands
On closing the ‘Getting Started’ window, we get the main interface with all the available Menu commands. They represent the entire set of features available in QpkView. Given below is an overview of each section of the Menu Commands.
File Menu
This menu is used to create a new QpkView file and open the existing files from both local system and QpkView server. The important features in this menu are −
Mail as attachment to email the currently open document as an attachment.
Reduce Data to view only the report layout and database structure without any data.
Table viewer option is used to see the structure of the tables, fields and their association in a graphical view.

Edit Menu
This menu is used to carry out the editing options pke copy, paste, cut and using format painter. The important features in this menu are −
Active All option activates all the sheet objects present in the opened sheet.
Removeto remove a sheet from the active window.
Advanced search option is used to do a search with advanced search expressions using multi box.
View Menu
This menu is used to view the standard toolbars and zoom in/ zoom out features. It also displays all the active sheets as a cascade menu. The important features in this menu are −
Turn on/off WebView mode toggles the WebView mode and local view mode.
Current Selections displays the field name and file values of the selected sheet objects.
Design Grid is used to toggle the sheet object placeholders for active object(s) and snap-to-grid for sizing and moving objects in the layout.
Selection Menu
This menu is used to select and clear the selection of values in the sheet objects. It also provides the feature of going back and forward into different logical statements of the sheet, you are working on. The important features in this menu are −
Lock locks all the values in current selection.
Unlock unlocks all the locked values in the current selection.
Layout Menu
Layout Menu is used to add tabbed sheets, select different sheets and rearrange sheet objects. The important features in this menu are −
Promote sheet moves the current sheet or tab one step forward.
Demote sheet moves the current sheet or tab one step backward.
Delete sheet deletes the active sheet and everything in it.
Settings Menu
Settings menu is used to set the user preferences, document properties, and sheet properties. The important features in this menu are −
Variable overview all the non-hidden variables and their values in a single pst.
Expression Overview shows expressions from the document, sheet and sheet objects as a single pst.
Bookmark Menu
This menu is used to create bookmarks to different documents for faster retrieval.
Reports Menu
Reports menu is used to create new reports and edit the existing reports. You can edit the layout, add pages to the report, and also delete reports.
Tools Menu
Tools menu is a very prominent menu, frequently used for creating charts and opening the QpkView management console. The important features in this menu are −
Quick Chart Wizard creates simple charts without using the great number of different settings and options available.
Time Chart Wizard creates time series charts.
Statistics Chart Wizard is used to apply common statistical tests on data.
Object Menu
This menu is used to create new sheet objects and modify the existing ones. The sheet properties option opens the page to set the parameters defining the sheet. The important features in this menu are −
Copy Sheet − creates a copy of the sheet along with the all the sheet objects.
Copy Image to Cppboard − Copies a bitmap picture of the sheet area to Cppboard.
Remove − completely removes the sheet along with the sheet objects.
The Window and Help menus are used to organize the different windows of QpkView apppcation and provide help documentation.