- Impala - Query Language Basics
- Impala - Shell
- Impala - Architecture
- Impala - Environment
- Impala - Overview
- Impala - Home
Database Specific Statements
Table Specific Statements
- Impala - Drop a View
- Impala - Alter View
- Impala - Create View
- Impala - Show Tables
- Impala - Truncate a Table
- Impala - Drop a Table
- Impala - Alter Table
- Impala - Describe Statement
- Impala - Select Statement
- Impala - Insert Statement
- Impala - Create Table Statement
Impala - Clauses
- Impala - Distinct Operator
- Impala - With Clause
- Impala - Union Clause
- Impala - Offset Clause
- Impala - Limit Clause
- Impala - Having Clause
- Impala - Group By Clause
- Impala - Order By Clause
Impala Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Impala - Create a Database
In Impala, a database is a construct which holds related tables, views, and functions within their namespaces. It is represented as a directory tree in HDFS; it contains tables partitions, and data files. This chapter explains how to create a database in Impala.
The CREATE DATABASE Statement is used to create a new database in Impala.
Following is the syntax of the CREATE DATABASE Statement.
Here, IF NOT EXISTS is an optional clause. If we use this clause, a database with the given name is created, only if there is no existing database with the same name.
Following is an example of the create database statement. In this example, we have created a database with the name my_database.
[quickstart.cloudera:21000] > CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS my_database;
On executing the above query in cloudera impala-shell, you will get the following output.
Query: create DATABASE my_database Fetched 0 row(s) in 0.21s
The SHOW DATABASES query gives the pst of the databases in Impala, therefore you can verify whether the database is created, using the SHOW DATABASES statement. Here you can observe the newly created database my_db in the pst.
[quickstart.cloudera:21000] > show databases; Query: show databases +-----------------------------------------------+ | name | +-----------------------------------------------+ | _impala_builtins | | default | | my_db | +-----------------------------------------------+ Fetched 3 row(s) in 0.20s [quickstart.cloudera:21000] >
Hdfs Path
In order to create a database in HDFS file system, you need to specify the location where the database is to be created.
Creating a Database using Hue Browser
Open Impala Query editor and type the CREATE DATABASE statement in it. Thereafter, cpck the execute button as shown in the following screenshot.

After executing the query, gently move the curser to the top of the dropdown menu and you will find a refresh symbol. If you cpck on the refresh symbol, the pst of databases will be refreshed and the recent changes are appped to it.

Cpck the drop-down box under the heading DATABASE on the left-hand side of the editor. There you can see a pst of databases in the system. Here you can observe the newly created database my_db as shown below.

If you observe carefully, you can see only one database, i.e., my_db in the pst along with the default database.