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TestRail - Shortcuts & Hotkeys
  • 时间:2024-03-19 03:39:57

TestRail - Shortcuts and Hotkeys

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试验室从测试Rail 4.2开始,将开始提供 键盘短片,用于重要和经常使用的行动,如编辑或保存物体,增加结果和评论及复制;查封和在案件或测试之间航行。 短cut将根据表格分类。

The Modifier Key

少数行动需要2个钥匙,同时,1个钥匙变质,其他则是实际的。 变式钥匙通常取决于平台,用户使用网络浏览器。 这通常是指挥或控制的关键。 例如,为了提交测试案例,用户必须报到<mod> + S。 因此,它可以是Ctrl + S或突击+S <mod> = Ctrl或突击性

Common Shortcut

The following shortcut keys apppcable in general to TestRail

    提供方言箱(除非目前集中使用文字箱)。 适用于试验Rail的所有方言箱。

Shortcut Reference

下列钥匙是试验Rail的额外辅助短.。 以下案件章节的简短内容适用于所有与案件有关的网页。

e Opens the form to edit the test case
j Navigates to the next case in the test suite/case repository
k Navigates to the previous case in the test suite/case repository
<mod>+↑ Moves the current step up (with separated steps)
<mod>+↓ Moves the current step down (with separated steps)
<mod>+. Adds a new step after the current step (with separated steps)
alt+. Adds a new step after the last step (with separated steps)


p Opens the form to add a new project


e Opens the form to edit the milestone


e Opens the form to edit the test plan


e On the project overview page, opens the form to edit the project


a Opens the Assign To dialog (for the currently selected tests, if any)
e Opens the form to edit the test run
r Opens the Add Result dialog (for the currently selected tests, if any)


j With active three-pane view, navigates to the next test in the run
k With active three-pane view, navigates to the previous test in the run
p With active three-pane view, passes the currently selected test
q Toggles the three-pane view (if previously active)
alt+m With active three-pane view, activates the comment field for the currently selected test (<mod>+enter submits the comment)
alt+r With active three-pane view, opens the Add Result dialog for the currently selected test


c Opens the forms to add a new test case to the suite
<mod>+. Activates the inpne-add feature to add a new test case to the current section (subgroups and selected view modes only)
e Opens the form to edit the test suite (or opens the Edit Description dialog if using the single-suite project mode)
r Opens the forms to add a new test run for the suite
s Opens the dialog to add a new section to the end of the suite
<mod>+s Opens the dialog to add a new subsection to the current section (subgroups and selected view modes only)

测试Sits的短训可在测试Rail 5.1中查阅。

j With active three-pane view, navigates to the next case in the test suite/case repository
k With active three-pane view, navigates to the previous case in the test suite/case repository
q Toggles the three-pane view (if previously active)


a Opens the Assign To dialog to assign the test
c Navigates to the test case of the test
e Opens the form to edit the test case of the test
j Navigates to the next test in the test run
k Navigates to the previous test in the test run
m Opens the Add Comment dialog to add a comment
r Opens the Add Test Result dialog to add a test result