TestRail Tutorial
Selected Reading
- TestRail - Discussion
- TestRail - Useful Resources
- TestRail - Quick Guide
- TestRail - Shortcuts & Hotkeys
- TestRail - Optimized Printing
- TestRail - Advanced Search Option
- TestRail - Add Multiple Test Results
- Tracking Progress & Activity
- TestRail - Reports
- TestRail - To Do & Notifications
- TestRail - Test Plans & Configuration
- TestRail - Milestones
- TestRail - Copy/Move Test Cases
- TestRail - Customize Table
- TestRail - Rerun
- TestRail - Test Runs
- TestRail - Export TestCases
- TestRail - Import TestCases - XML
- TestRail - Import TestCases - CSV
- TestRail - TestCases - Case
- TestRail - TestCases - Section
- TestRail - Add A Project
- TestRail - Invite Users
- TestRail - Dashboard
- TestRail - Login
- TestRail - Free Trial Access
- TestRail - Features
- TestRail - Introduction
- TestRail - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
TestRail - Import TestCases - XML
TestRail - Import TestCases XML
用户可在使用XML文档时生成多个测试案例和部件。 有2个步骤程序要求从XML中进口数据。
Rules for XML file
Import the file into system
Rules for XML file
XML格式应包含在树种结构中。 它应从各科、测试科和分科开始。
<section> <name>Login Functionapty<name> <description>All test case related to login functionapty. Positive and negative test cases</description> <case> <id>C2</id> <title>Correct Username and Passwordcombination</title> <template>Test Case (Text)<template> <type>Other<type> <priority>Medium<priority> <estimate/> <references/> <custom> <preconds>Login page should display</preconds> <steps>1. Enter correct username 2.enter correct password</steps> <expected>Usershould able to login successfully.</expected> </custom> </case> </section>
The <case> tagsupport all property of a test case in TestRail, such as the name, estimates, priority, text areas, pre-conditions, steps, expected results等
Type | Sample Value | Description |
Checkbox | TRUE | "true" or "false" (without the quotes) |
Date | 01-07-2010 | A vapd XML date string in yyyy-mm-dd format |
Dropdown | <id>5</id> | The ID of the value (as configured in the custom field options in the administration area) in an <id> tag |
Integer | 1022 | A simple integer number |
Milestone | <id>2</id> | The ID of the milestone in an <id> tag |
Multi−select |
<item> <id>1</id> </item> <item> <id>2</id> </item> |
A pst of <item> records, each with its own ID (so, pke a pst of Dropdown values) |
Steps |
<step> <index>1</index> <content>Step 1</content> <expected>Result 1</expected> </step> <step> <index>2</index><content>Step 2</content> </step> |
A pst of <step> records, each with its own index, content and optionally expected result |
String/Text | Foobar | A simple string |
URL (Link) | http//google.com/ | A simple URL as string |
User | <id>3</id> | The ID of the user in an <id> tag |
Import CSV file
Go to Test Cases tab.
Cpck at import test cases icon at rightside and selected Import from XML Options.
放映后 进口测试案例icon和XML选择
进口从XML大港进口。 浏览并上载XML文档。