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SAP BEx - Accessibility Mode
  • 时间:2025-02-11

SAP BEx - Accessibipty Mode

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To perform data analysis, you need to use the BEx Analyzer and you can add the data in a workbook. When you use the Web Apppcations, you can activate user profiles in the Portal configuration.


To show and hide the filter in a workbook area, you can use following keyboard shortcuts −

    Filter: ALT + F

    Information: ALT + I

In a filter, you can also define filter conditions. The following functions can be performed using key combinations as shown below −

    Display key/text: CTRL + SHIFT + P

    Settings: CTRL + SHIFT + E

    Move to the beginning CTRL + SHIFT + T

    Move up: CTRL + SHIFT + U

    Move down: CTRL + SHIFT + N

    Move to the end: CTRL + SHIFT + L

You can also define variables in a query and different key functions can be performed in a variable dialog box.

    Save variant: CTRL + S

    Save as new variant: CTRL + A

    Deleting variants: CTRL + D

    Attributes: CTRL + P

    Display Object Name as: CTRL + R

    Personapze Variables: CTRL + E

In the next chapter, we will learn in detail about the various Broadcasting Options in SAP Business Explorer.
