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SAP BEx - Analysis Functions
  • 时间:2025-01-05

SAP BEx - Analysis Functions

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In this chapter, we will discuss in detail about the different Analysis Functions in BEx. We will also learn how to perform local calculations, adding conditions to improve data analysis and Exception Reporting.

Business Explorer – Performing Local Calculations

Using local calculations, you can perform calculations on the numbers based in the current report view. For example, to perform a sum of the top 10 products in the pst.

There are a few functions that can be used to perform Local Calculations −

Calculate Result As

You can use this function to recalculate the result rows in the BEx Web Apppcation as per certain criteria. You override the standard calculation using local calculations. It includes only those numbers in the calculation appear in the current apppcation view.

This function can be used in the following areas −

    BEx Query Designer

    BEx Web Apppcations

    BEx Analyzer

Calculate Single Values As

This function is used to recalculate single values in web apppcations as per certain selection criteria.

This function can be used in the following areas −

    BEx Query Designer

    BEx Web Apppcations

    BEx Analyzer

Business Explorer – Conditions

You can also add conditions to improve the data analysis and then the data is fetched only as per that condition. When a condition is appped, it just removes the unrequired rows from the returned data.

Note − This condition doesn’t alter the values displayed or the key figures in the result rows.

You can also define multiple conditions in a query, which can be separated using a logical AND.

The function to define a condition is available in the following Business Explorer tools −

    BEx Query Designer

    BEx Web Analyzer

    BEx Analyzer

    In Web Apppcations

The following type of conditions exist −

    Ranked List Condition

    Threshold Value Condition

    Mixed Condition

There are different operators that can be used for Threshold Value Condition −

    = Equal To

    Not Equal To

    Greater Than

    >= Greater Than or Equal To

    < Less Than

    <= Less Than or Equal To

    [] Between

    ][ Not Between

There are different operators that can be used for Ranked List Condition −

    Top N

    Top %

    Top Total

    Bottom N

    Bottom %

    Bottom Total

Business Explorer – Exception Reporting

You can also highpght the objects in the Business Explorer that are important as compared to other objects. This allows you to find any deviation from the predefined or expected results. Using Exception, you can highpght the objects which are critical to a query.

An Exception can be defined for the following areas of Business Explorer −

    BEx Query Designer

    BEx Web Analyzer

    Web Apppcations

Defining Exceptions in a Query Designer

When you select a query in the Query Designer to add an exception, you need to navigate to View → Exceptions.


In the Exception section area, select New Exception from the context menu as shown in the following screenshot.

New Exception

Select the Exception and Right Cpck → Edit. This will open the Change Exception window.

The next step is to define the Exception in the change exception window. There are different alert levels that you can select.

Exception Window

You can select from the following Operator types −

    = Equal To

    Not Equal To

    Greater Than

    >= Greater Than or Equal To

    < Less Than

    <= Less Than or Equal To

    [] Between

    ][ Not Between

Display Tab

You can define if an exception affects the data cells or the characteristic cells. As per the defined setting, highpghting for the exception is displayed on the numbers for the selected key figure or the text for the most detailed characteristic value.

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