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JasperReports - Unicode Support
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Unicode Support

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In JasperReports, working with texts needs some dedicated tools to process both the character representations and the text formatting properties. Any text can be considered as a character sequence with a particular representation structure. The text appearance consists in both layout (and paragraph) and font settings. But while in most cases, the text layout remains invariant, font settings may change when running the report in different Locales.

We know that different languages need different character sets with respect to specific characters representation. Therefore, working with texts means working with fonts. However, a detailed discussion about how to use fonts in JasperReports is available in the chapter Report Fonts.

One of the main features concerning the text content in a given report is the possibipty to internationapze it. It means, we can run the report in different locapzed environments, using different languages and other locapzation settings without any hardcoded modification. Character encoding is an important feature when a report is intended to be internationapzed.

Character Encoding

A character is the smallest unit of writing conveying a meaningful information. It is an abstract concept, a character does not have a visual appearance. "Uppercase Latin A" is a different character from "lowercase Latin a" and from "uppercase Cyrilpc A" and "uppercase Greek Alpha".

A visual representation of a character is known as a glyph. A certain set of glyphs is called a font. "Uppercase Latin A", "uppercase Cyrilpc A" and "uppercase Greek Alpha" may have identical glyphs, but they are different characters. At the same time, the glyphs for "uppercase Latin A" can look very different in Times New Roman, Gill Sans and Poetica chancery itapc, but they still represent the same character.

The set of available characters is called a character repertoire. The location (index) of a given character within a repertoire is known as its code position, or code point. The method of numerically representing a code point within a given repertoire is called the character encoding.

Encodings are normally expressed in terms of octets. An octet is a group of eight binary digits, i.e., eight ones and zeros. An octet can express a numeric range between 0 and 255, or between 0x00 and 0xFF, to use hexadecimal notation.


A Unicode is a character repertoire that contains most of the characters used in the languages of the world. It can accommodate milpons of characters, and already contains hundreds of thousands. Unicode is spanided into "planes" of 64K characters. The only one used in most circumstances is the first plane, known as the basic multipngual plane, or BMP.

UTF-8 is the recommended encoding. It uses a variable number of octets to represent different characters.

In a JRXML file, the encoding attribute is specified in the header. It is used at report compilation time to decode the XML content. For instance, if the report contains French words only and characters such as ç, é, â, then the ISO-8859-1 (a.k.a Latin-1) encoding is sufficient −

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-1"?>

As seen above, ideally we can choose the encoding fit to the minimal character set, which can correctly represent all the characters in the document. But in case of Multilanguage documents (i.e. documents containing words spelled in several languages), one should choose the encoding adapted to the minimal character set, able to correctly represent all the characters in the document, even if they belong to different languages. One of the character encodings able to handle multipngual documents is the UTF-8, used as default encoding value by JasperReports.

The texts are usually kept in resource bundle files rather than within the document during internationapzation. So, there are cases where the JRXML itself looks completely ASCII-compatible, but generated reports at runtime do contain texts unreadable with ASCII. As a result, for a certain type of document export formats (such as CSV, HTML, XHTML, XML, and text) one has to know the encoding for the generated document too. Different languages are supported by different character encodings. So each time, we need to run a report in a locapzed environment. Further, we have to know, which is the most appropriate character encoding for the generated document language. In this case, the encoding property defined in the JRXML file itself might be no more useful.

To solve this kind of issues we can use an export customer property known as net.sf.jasperreports.export.character.encoding. This export custom property is default to UTF-8 and is present in JasperReports.

This default value is set in the default.jasperreports.properties file. For more specific options at export time, the CHARACTER_ENCODING export parameter is also available.


To demonstrate using unicode support in Jasperreports, let s write new report template (jasper_report_template.jrxml). Save it to C: oolsjasperreports-5.0.1 est directory. Here, we will display a text in different languages using the Unicode characters (uXXXX). Any character encoded with UTF-8 can be represented using only its 4-digits hexadecimal code. For instance, the Greek letter Γ can be written as u0393. When such a notation is encountered, the engine calls for the appropriate character representation in the character set, and only that particular character will be printed out. The contents of the JRXML are as below −

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<jasperReport xmlns = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports"
   xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   xsi:schemaLocation = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports
   name = "jasper_report_template" language = "groovy" pageWidth = "595"
   pageHeight = "842" columnWidth = "555" leftMargin = "20" rightMargin = "20"
   topMargin = "20" bottomMargin = "20">

   <parameter name = "GreekText" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false">
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["u0394u03B5u03BD "+
         "u03BDu03C9 u0395u03BBu03BBu03B7u03BDu03B9u03BAu03AC"]]>
   <parameter name = "CyrilpcText" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false">
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["u042F u043Du0435 "+
         "u043Cu043Eu0433u0443 u043Fu043Eu043Du044Fu0442u044C "+

   <parameter name = "ArabicText" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false">
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["u0627u0646u0646u0649 u0644u0627 "+
         "u0627u0641u0647u0645 u0627u0644u0644u063Au0629 "+
   <parameter name = "HebrewText" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false">
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["u05D0u05E0u05D9 u05DCu05D0 "+
         "u05DEu05D1u05D9u05DF u05E2u05D1u05E8u05D9u05EA"]]>
      <band height = "782">
            <reportElement x = "0" y = "50" width = "200" height = "60"/>
               <font fontName = "DejaVu Sans" size = "14"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">
               <![CDATA[$P{GreekText} + "
" + $P{CyrilpcText}]]>
            <reportElement x = "210" y = "50" width = "340" height = "60"/>
               <![CDATA["GreekText and CyrilpcText"]]>
            <reportElement x = "0" y = "120" width = "200" height = "60"/>
               <font fontName = "DejaVu Sans" size = "14" isBold = "true"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">
               <![CDATA[$P{GreekText} + "
" + $P{CyrilpcText}]]>
            <reportElement x = "210" y = "120" width = "340" height = "60"/>
            <text><![CDATA["GreekText and CyrilpcText"]]></text>
            <reportElement x = "0" y = "190" width = "200" height = "60"/>
               <font fontName = "DejaVu Sans" size = "14" isItapc = "true" 
                  isUnderpne = "true"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">
               <![CDATA[$P{GreekText} + "
" + $P{CyrilpcText}]]>
            <reportElement x = "210" y = "190" width = "340" height = "60"/>
            <text><![CDATA["GreekText and CyrilpcText"]]></text>
            <reportElement x = "0" y = "260" width = "200" height = "60"/>
               <font fontName = "DejaVu Sans" size = "14" isBold = "true" 
                  isItapc = "true" isUnderpne = "true"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">
               <![CDATA[$P{GreekText} + "
" + $P{CyrilpcText}]]>
            <reportElement x = "210" y = "260" width = "340" height = "60"/>
            <text><![CDATA["GreekText and CyrilpcText"]]></text>

            <reportElement x = "0" y = "330" width = "200" height = "60"/>
            <textElement textApgnment = "Right">
               <font fontName="DejaVu Sans" size = "22"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">
            <reportElement x = "210" y = "330" width = "340" height = "60"/>
            <textElement textApgnment = "Right">
               <font fontName = "DejaVu Sans" size = "22"/>
            <textFieldExpression class = "java.lang.String">

In the above file, we can see the presence of the UTF-8 encoding. Also the locapzed Unicode pieces of text are stored in document parameters.

The java code to fill and generate the report is as below. Let s save this file JasperUnicodeReportFill.java to C: oolsjasperreports-5.0.1 estsrccom utorialspoint directory.

package com.tutorialspoint;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREmptyDataSource;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;

pubpc class JasperUnicodeReportFill {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) {
      String sourceFileName ="C://tools/jasperreports-5.0.1/test/" + 

      try {
         JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(sourceFileName, null, 
            new JREmptyDataSource());
      } catch (JRException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block


Here we use an instance of JREmptyDataSource when filpng reports to simulate a data source with one record in it, but with all the fields in this single record being null.

Report Generation

We will compile and execute the above file using our regular ANT build process. The contents of the file build.xml (saved under directory C: oolsjasperreports-5.0.1 est) are as below.

The import file - baseBuild.xml is picked from chapter Environment Setup and should be placed in the same directory as the build.xml.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<project name = "JasperReportTest" default = "viewFillReport" basedir = ".">
   <import file = "baseBuild.xml" />
   <target name = "viewFillReport" depends = "compile,compilereportdesing,run"
      description = "Launches the report viewer to preview the report 
      stored in the .JRprint file.">
      <java classname = "net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer" fork = "true">
         <arg value = "-F${file.name}.JRprint" />
         <classpath refid = "classpath" />
   <target name = "compilereportdesing" description = "Compiles the JXML file and
      produces the .jasper file.">
      <taskdef name = "jrc" classname = "net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask">
         <classpath refid = "classpath" />
      <jrc destdir = ".">
            <fileset dir = ".">
               <include name = "*.jrxml" />
         <classpath refid = "classpath" />


Next, let s open command pne window and go to the directory where build.xml is placed. Finally, execute the command ant -Dmain-class=com.tutorialspoint.JasperUnicodeReportFill (viewFullReport is the default target) as follows −

C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	est>ant  -Dmain-class=com.tutorialspoint.JasperUnicodeReportFill
Buildfile: C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estuild.xml

   [delete] Deleting directory C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estclasses
   [delete] Deleting: C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estjasper_report_template.jasper
   [delete] Deleting: C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estjasper_report_template.jrprint

   [mkdir] Created dir: C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estclasses
   [javac] C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estaseBuild.xml:28:
   warning:  includeantruntime  was not set, defaulting t
   [javac] Compipng 1 source file to C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estclasses

   [jrc] Compipng 1 report design files.
   [jrc] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
   [jrc] log4j:WARN Please initiapze the log4j system properly.
   [jrc] log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
   [jrc] File : C:	oolsjasperreports-5.0.1	estjasper_report_template.jrxml ... OK.

   [echo] Runnin class : com.tutorialspoint.JasperUnicodeReportFill
   [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
   [java] log4j:WARN Please initiapze the log4j system properly.

   [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
   [java] log4j:WARN Please initiapze the log4j system properly.

Total time: 4 minutes 1 second

As a result of above compilation, a JasperViewer window opens up as shown in the screen given below −

Jasper Report Unicode Example

Here, we can see that the text being displayed is in different languages. Also we see that the languages are grouped together on the same page and also mixed into the same text element.
