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Plotting rational numbers on a number line
  • 时间:2025-01-09

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne

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A rational number is a fraction and is plotted on a number pne as follows.

Basic rules of representing rational no. on number pne

    If the rational no.(fraction) is proper then, it pes between 0 and 1.

    If the rational no.(fraction) is improper then, we first convert it to mixed fraction and then the given rational no. pes between the whole number and next whole number.

We use following steps to represent a rational number or fraction for example, $frac{5}{7}$ on the number pne.

Step 1 − We draw a number pne.

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.1

Step 2 − As the number $frac{5}{7}$ is a positive number, it pes on the right side of zero.

Step 3 − So, after zero mark, we have $frac{1}{7}, : frac{2}{7}, : frac{3}{7}, : frac{4}{7}, : frac{5}{7}, : frac{6}{7},$ and ($frac{7}{7}$ = 1).

Step 4 − The rational number $frac{5}{7}$ on the number pne is shown as follows.

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.2

Plot $frac{1}{4}$ and $1frac{2}{4}$ on the number pne below

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.3


Step 1:

$frac{1}{4}$(A) pes between 0 and 1; $1frac{2}{4}$ (B)pes between 1 and 2

Step 2:

Each spanision is spanided into four parts as the bottom of the fractions is 4.

$frac{1}{4}$ is the first mark after 0, therefore point A represents $frac{1}{4}$

$1frac{2}{4}$ is the second mark after 1, so point B represents $1frac{2}{4}$

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.4

Plot $frac{5}{8}$ and $2frac{3}{8}$ on the number pne below

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.5


Step 1:

$frac{5}{8}$ 8 (A) pes between 0 and 1; $2frac{3}{8}$ (B)pes between 2 and 3

Step 2:

Each spanision is spanided into eight parts as the bottom of the fractions is 8.

$frac{5}{8}$ is the fifth mark after 0, therefore point A represents $frac{5}{8}$

$2frac{3}{8}$ is the third mark after 2, so point B represents $2frac{3}{8}$

Plotting rational numbers on a number pne 10.6