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  • 时间:2025-03-14

Microwave Engineering - Introduction

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Electromagnetic Spectrum consists of entire range of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation is the energy that travels and spreads out as it propagates. The types of electromagnetic radiation that makes the electromagnetic spectrum is depicted in the following screenshot.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Let us now take a look at the properties of Microwaves.

Properties of Microwaves

Following are the main properties of Microwaves.

    Microwaves are the waves that radiate electromagnetic energy with shorter wavelength.

    Microwaves are not reflected by Ionosphere.

    Microwaves travel in a straight pne and are reflected by the conducting surfaces.

    Microwaves are easily attenuated within shorter distances.

    Microwave currents can flow through a thin layer of a cable.

Advantages of Microwaves

There are many advantages of Microwaves such as the following −

    Supports larger bandwidth and hence more information is transmitted. For this reason, microwaves are used for point-to-point communications.

    More antenna gain is possible.

    Higher data rates are transmitted as the bandwidth is more.

    Antenna size gets reduced, as the frequencies are higher.

    Low power consumption as the signals are of higher frequencies.

    Effect of fading gets reduced by using pne of sight propagation.

    Provides effective reflection area in the radar systems.

    Satelpte and terrestrial communications with high capacities are possible.

    Low-cost miniature microwave components can be developed.

    Effective spectrum usage with wide variety of apppcations in all available frequency ranges of operation.

Disadvantages of Microwaves

There are a few disadvantages of Microwaves such as the following −

    Cost of equipment or installation cost is high.

    They are hefty and occupy more space.

    Electromagnetic interference may occur.

    Variations in dielectric properties with temperatures may occur.

    Inherent inefficiency of electric power.

Apppcations of Microwaves

There are a wide variety of apppcations for Microwaves, which are not possible for other radiations. They are −

Wireless Communications

    For long distance telephone calls


    WIMAX operations

    Outdoor broadcasting transmissions

    Broadcast auxipary services

    Remote pickup unit

    Studio/transmitter pnk

    Direct Broadcast Satelpte (DBS)

    Personal Communication Systems (PCSs)

    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)

    Cellular Video (CV) systems

    Automobile colpsion avoidance system


    Fast jitter-free switches

    Phase shifters

    HF generation

    Tuning elements

    ECM/ECCM (Electronic Counter Measure) systems

    Spread spectrum systems

Commercial Uses

    Burglar alarms

    Garage door openers

    Popce speed detectors

    Identification by non-contact methods

    Cell phones, pagers, wireless LANs

    Satelpte television, XM radio

    Motion detectors

    Remote sensing


    Global navigation satelpte systems

    Global Positioning System (GPS)

Miptary and Radar

    Radars to detect the range and speed of the target.

    SONAR apppcations

    Air traffic control

    Weather forecasting

    Navigation of ships

    Minesweeping apppcations

    Speed pmit enforcement

    Miptary uses microwave frequencies for communications and for the above mentioned apppcations.

Research Apppcations

    Atomic resonances

    Nuclear resonances

Radio Astronomy

    Mark cosmic microwave background radiation

    Detection of powerful waves in the universe

    Detection of many radiations in the universe and earth’s atmosphere

Food Industry

    Microwave ovens used for reheating and cooking

    Food processing apppcations

    Pre-heating apppcations


    Roasting food grains/beans

    Drying potato chips

    Moisture levelpng

    Absorbing water molecules

Industrial Uses

    Vulcanizing rubber

    Analytical chemistry apppcations

    Drying and reaction processes

    Processing ceramics

    Polymer matrix

    Surface modification

    Chemical vapor processing

    Powder processing

    Steripzing pharmaceuticals

    Chemical synthesis

    Waste remediation

    Power transmission

    Tunnel boring

    Breaking rock/concrete

    Breaking up coal seams

    Curing of cement

    RF Lighting

    Fusion reactors

    Active denial systems

Semiconductor Processing Techniques

    Reactive ion etching

    Chemical vapor deposition


    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR or ESR) Spectroscopy

    To know about unpaired electrons in chemicals

    To know the free radicals in materials

    Electron chemistry

Medical Apppcations

    Monitoring heartbeat

    Lung water detection

    Tumor detection

    Regional hyperthermia

    Therapeutic apppcations

    Local heating


    Microwave tomography

    Microwave Acoustic imaging

For any wave to propagate, there is the need of a medium. The transmission pnes, which are of different types, are used for the propagation of Microwaves. Let us learn about them in the next chapter.
