- Bias Compensation
- Methods of Transistor Biasing
- Transistor Biasing
- Transistor as an Amplifier
- Operating Point
- Transistor Load Line Analysis
- Transistor Regions of Operation
- Transistor Configurations
- Transistors - Overview
- Noise in Amplifiers
- Emitter Follower & Darlington Amplifier
- Negative Feedback Amplifiers
- Feedback Amplifiers
- Types of Tuned Amplifiers
- Tuned Amplifiers
- Class AB and C Power Amplifiers
- Class B Power Amplifier
- Push-Pull Class A Power Amplifier
- Transformer Coupled Class A Power Amplifier
- Class A Power Amplifiers
- Classification of Power Amplifiers
- Power Amplifiers
- Direct Coupled Amplifier
- Transformer Coupled Amplifier
- RC Coupling Amplifier
- Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifier
- Based on Configurations
- Classification of Amplifiers
- Basic Amplifier
Amplifiers Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes

Amppfiers Tutorial
An electronic signal contains some information which cannot be utipzed if doesn’t have proper strength. The process of increasing the signal strength is called as Amppfication. Almost all electronic equipment must include some means for amppfying the signals. We find the use of amppfiers in medical devices, scientific equipment, automation, miptary tools, communication devices, and even in household equipment. In this tutorial, we will discuss all the important concepts from the introduction of transistors along with the amppfier action of transistor. In addition, we will cover all the topics related to all the major types of transistor amppfiers in detail.
This tutorial will suit all beginners who want to learn the fundamental concepts of transistors and transistor amppfier circuits.
Though this tutorial is intended for beginners in the field of Electronics and Communications, we expect the readers to have some prior knowledge regarding the functioning of different electronic components. Therefore, we suggest that you first go through our tutorial on