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Ruby - Sending Email
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Sending Email using Ruby - SMTP

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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol, which handles sending e-mail and routing e-mail between mail servers.

Ruby provides Net::SMTP class for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) cpent-side connection and provides two class methods new and start.

    The new takes two parameters −

      The server name defaulting to localhost.

      The port number defaulting to the well-known port 25.

    The start method takes these parameters −

      The server − IP name of the SMTP server, defaulting to localhost.

      The port − Port number, defaulting to 25.

      The domain − Domain of the mail sender, defaulting to ENV["HOSTNAME"].

      The account − Username, default is nil.

      The password − User password, defaulting to nil.

      The authtype − Authorization type, defaulting to cram_md5.

An SMTP object has an instance method called sendmail, which will typically be used to do the work of maipng a message. It takes three parameters −

    The source − A string or array or anything with an each iterator returning one string at a time.

    The sender − A string that will appear in the from field of the email.

    The recipients − A string or an array of strings representing the recipients addressee(s).


Here is a simple way to send one email using Ruby script. Try it once −

require  net/smtp 

message = <<MESSAGE_END
From: Private Person <me&commat;fromdomain.com>
To: A Test User <test&commat;todomain.com>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test

This is a test e-mail message.

Net::SMTP.start( localhost ) do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message message,  me&commat;fromdomain.com ,  test&commat;todomain.com 

Here, you have placed a basic e-mail in message, using a document, taking care to format the headers correctly. E-mails require a From, To, and Subject header, separated from the body of the e-mail with a blank pne.

To send the mail you use Net::SMTP to connect to the SMTP server on the local machine and then use the send_message method along with the message, the from address, and the destination address as parameters (even though the from and to addresses are within the e-mail itself, these aren t always used to route mail).

If you re not running an SMTP server on your machine, you can use the Net::SMTP to communicate with a remote SMTP server. Unless you re using a webmail service (such as Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail), your e-mail provider will have provided you with outgoing mail server details that you can supply to Net::SMTP, as follows −

Net::SMTP.start( mail.your-domain.com )

This pne of code connects to the SMTP server on port 25 of mail.your-domain.com without using any username or password. If you need to, though, you can specify port number and other details. For example −

Net::SMTP.start( mail.your-domain.com , 
                 localhost , 
                 username ,  password  :plain)

This example connects to the SMTP server at mail.your-domain.com using a username and password in plain text format. It identifies the cpent s hostname as localhost.

Sending an HTML e-mail using Ruby

When you send a text message using Ruby then all the content will be treated as simple text. Even if you will include HTML tags in a text message, it will be displayed as simple text and HTML tags will not be formatted according to HTML syntax. But Ruby Net::SMTP provides option to send an HTML message as actual HTML message.

While sending an email message you can specify a Mime version, content type and character set to send an HTML email.


Following is the example to send HTML content as an email. Try it once −

require  net/smtp 

message = <<MESSAGE_END
From: Private Person <me&commat;fromdomain.com>
To: A Test User <test&commat;todomain.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html
Subject: SMTP e-mail test

This is an e-mail message to be sent in HTML format

<b>This is HTML message.</b>
<h1>This is headpne.</h1>

Net::SMTP.start( localhost ) do |smtp|
   smtp.send_message message,  me&commat;fromdomain.com ,  test&commat;todomain.com 

Sending Attachments as an e-mail

To send an email with mixed content requires to set Content-type header to multipart/mixed. Then text and attachment sections can be specified within boundaries.

A boundary is started with two hyphens followed by a unique number, which cannot appear in the message part of the email. A final boundary denoting the email s final section must also end with two hyphens.

Attached files should be encoded with the pack("m") function to have base64 encoding before transmission.


Following is the example, which will send a file /tmp/test.txt as an attachment.

require  net/smtp 

filename = "/tmp/test.txt"
# Read a file and encode it into base64 format
filecontent = File.read(filename)
encodedcontent = [filecontent].pack("m")   # base64

body = <<EOF
This is a test email to send an attachement.

# Define the main headers.
part1 = <<EOF
From: Private Person <me&commat;fromdomain.net>
To: A Test User <test&commat;todmain.com>
Subject: Sending Attachement
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary = #{marker}

# Define the message action
part2 = <<EOF
Content-Type: text/plain


# Define the attachment section
part3 = <<EOF
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; name = "#{filename}"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = "#{filename}"


mailtext = part1 &plus; part2 &plus; part3

# Let s put our code in safe area
   Net::SMTP.start( localhost ) do |smtp|
      smtp.sendmail(mailtext,  me&commat;fromdomain.net , [ test&commat;todmain.com ])
rescue Exception => e  
   print "Exception occured: " &plus; e  

NOTE − You can specify multiple destinations inside the array but they should be separated by comma.
