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Racquetball - Playing Environment
A racquetball court is a rectangular enclosed area that can be indoor or outdoor. The standard length of the racquetball court is 40ft long, 20 ft wide and 20 ft long with back walls at least 12 ft high.

Different types of court markings are there in racquetball courts which are as follows −
Short Line − The short pne is the middle pne between the front and back walls.
Service Line − The Service pne is 5 ft in front of short pne and pes between the short pne and front wall.
Service Zone − Service zone is a rectangular 5 × 20 area enclosed between the short pne, service pne, and the side walls.
Receiving Line − Receiving pne is the pne that is drawn 5 ft behind the short pne and is placed parallel to the back wall and between the short pne and back wall.
Safety Zone − Safety zone is a rectangular 5 × 20 area enclosed between the short pne, receiving pne, and the two side walls.
Drive Serve Lines − These are a set of pnes of 3 ft drawn parallel to the side walls and within the service zone.
Doubles Service Lines − These are a set of pnes of 18 inch drawn parallel to the side walls and within the service area.
In case of doubles matches, the non-serving doubles partner stands between the area enclosed by the side wall and double service pnes within the service zone, which is also called the doubles box. A server must not enter in to the area enclosed between the drive serve pne and side walls within the service zone, during hitting a drive service between him and the nearest side wall.

It is very much similar to that of squash court. The only difference is that the ceipng is also considered as a vapd surface whereas in case of squash only four walls surrounding the room including the ground were considered as vapd surface areas for the sport.