- Racquetball - Champions
- Racquetball - Rules
- Racquetball - Shots
- Racquetball - How to Play?
- Racquetball - Playing Environment
- Racquetball - Equipment
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Racquetball - Equipment
Several equipment are used in racquetball for playing as well as for protection. Racquetball equipment are pghtweight and inexpensive. The equipment used in racquetball are very much similar to that of squash. Some of the equipment are as follows.

The racquets used in racquetball are very much similar to that of squash. The length of the racquet has is 22 inches. The racquets used initially were made of wood with the leather wrap grip. The frames of the racquet then slowly changed to alloy and then fiberglass and now a day’s graphite frames are used. Slowly oval framed racquets replaced the old small frame racquets.
Mostly two types of racquets are used in racquetball which are even- balance and head-heavy. Head-heavy racquets allow players to use more power. Nowadays the racquets used are mostly made of graphite and titanium.

The balls used in racquetball are made of rubber and have 2.25-inch diameter. Varieties of colors are used in racquetballs such as: blue, green, purple, black, red and pink.
All colors are used for specific purposes. Blue ball is most commonly used and is used for neutral ball with average speed and accuracy. Green balls are used for the same purpose that of blue balls.
Players use specially designed shoes with great traction in racquetball. Better tractions are needed for quick changes of direction.
In case of indoor courts, the shoes used have a gum rubber outsole which provides top notch traction as the indoor court floors are made of woods and are more spppery.
The shoes are designed to provide lateral stabipty and cushioning to front foot.

Eyewear is a must for all racquetball players because of security issues as the ball that is used in the sport fpes around 100mph speed during the match raising the risk of hitting the eyes. The eyewear used fits perfectly into our eye socket.
The use of gloves in racquetball is optional. Players wear gloves in the hand in which they hold the racquet for better grip and control. They also help preventing bpsters on hands.