- Gii – Generating Module
- Gii – Generating Controller
- Gii – Creating a Model
- Yii - Gii
- Yii - Localization
- Yii - Authorization
- Yii - Authentication
- Yii - Error Handling
- Yii - Logging
- Yii - Aliases
- Yii - Fragment Caching
- Yii - Caching
- Yii - Testing
- Yii - Fields
- Yii - RESTful APIs in Action
- Yii - RESTful APIs
- Yii - Theming
- Yii - Database Migration
- Yii - Active Record
- Yii - Query Builder
- Yii - Data Access Objects
- Yii - Database Access
- Yii - Dependency Injection
- Yii - Configurations
- Yii - Creating a Behavior
- Yii - Behaviors
- Yii - Creating Event
- Yii - Events
- Yii - GridView Widget
- Yii - ListView Widget
- Yii - Data Widgets
- Yii - Data Providers
- Yii - Properties
- Yii - Sorting
- Yii - Pagination
- Yii - Formatting
- Yii - Files Upload
- Yii - Using Cookies
- Yii - Cookies
- Yii - Using Flash Data
- Yii - Sessions
- Yii - AJAX Validation
- Yii - Ad Hoc Validation
- Yii - Validation
- Yii - HTML Forms
- Yii - Rules of URL
- Yii - URL Routing
- Yii - URL Formats
- Yii - Responses
- Yii - HTTP Requests
- Yii - Creating Extensions
- Yii - Extensions
- Yii - Asset Conversion
- Yii - Assets
- Yii - Layouts
- Yii - Views
- Yii - Modules
- Yii - Widgets
- Yii - Models
- Yii - Using Actions
- Yii - Using Controllers
- Yii - Controllers
- Yii - Entry Scripts
- Yii - Application Structure
- Yii - Create Page
- Yii - Installation
- Yii - Overview
- Yii - Home
Yii Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Yii - Testing
When we write a PHP class, we debug it step by step or use die or echo statements to verify how it works. If we develop a web apppcation, we are entering test data in forms to ensure the page works as we expected. This test process can be automated.
Automatic test approach makes sense for long term projects, which are −
Complex and large
Grows constantly
Too expensive in terms of cost of the failure
If your project is not getting complex and is relatively simple or it is just a one-time project, then automated testing can be an overkill.
Preparing for the Tests
Step 1 − Install the Codeception framework. Run the following code.
composer global require "codeception/codeception = 2.0.*" composer global require "codeception/specify = *" composer global require "codeception/verify = *"
Step 2 − Run the following.
composer global status
The output is “Changed current directory to <directory>”. You should add the <directory>/vendor/bin to your PATH variable. In this case, run the following code −
export PATH = $PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
Step 3 − Create a new database called yii2_basic_tests .
Step 4 − Inside the tests directory run.
codeception/bin/yii migrate
The database configuration can be found at tests/codeception/config/config.php.
Step 5 − Build the test suites via.
codecept build
The main purpose of fixtures is to set up the environment in an unknown state so that your tests run in an expected way. Yii provides a near fixture framework. A key concept of the Yii fixture framework is the fixture object. It represents a particular aspect of a test environment. The fixture object is an instance of the yii estFixture class.
To define a fixture, you should create a new class and extend it from yii estFixture or yii estActiveFixture. The former is better for general purpose fixtures while the latter is specifically designed to work with database and ActiveRecord.
Unit Tests
Unit tests help you testing inspanidual functions. For example, model functions or a component class.
Step 1 − Create a new fixture in the file called ExampleFixture.php under the tests/codeception/fixtures directory.
<?php namespace app estscodeceptionfixtures; use yii estActiveFixture; class ExampleFixture extends ActiveFixture { pubpc $modelClass = ‘app⊨’MyUser ; } ?>
Step 2 − Then, create a new test file called ExampleTest.php in the tests/codeception/unit/models folder.
<?php namespace testscodeceptionunitmodels; use appmodelsMyUser; use yiicodeceptionTestCase; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { pubpc function testCreateMyUser() { $m = new MyUser(); $m->name = "myuser"; $m->email = "myser@email.com"; $this->assertTrue($m->save()); } pubpc function testUpdateMyUser() { $m = new MyUser(); $m->name = "myuser2"; $m->email = "myser2@email.com"; $this->assertTrue($m->save()); $this->assertEquals("myuser2", $m->name); } pubpc function testDeleteMyUser() { $m = MyUser::findOne([ name => myuser2 ]); $this->assertNotNull($m); MyUser::deleteAll([ name => $m->name]); $m = MyUser::findOne([ name => myuser2 ]); $this->assertNull($m); } } ?>
In the above code, we define three tests −
testUpdateMyUser, and
We just created a new user, updated his name, and trying to delete him. We manage the MyUser model in terms of the yii2_basic_tests database, which is a complete copy of our real DB.
Step 3 − To start the tests, move to the tests folder and run.
codecept run unit models/ExampleTest
It should pass all the tests. You will see the following −
![Unit Tests](/yii/images/unit_tests.jpg)
Functional Tests
Functional tests help you in −
testing the apppcation using browser emulator
verify that the function works properly
interact with the database
submit data to server-side scripts
Inside the tests folder run −
generate:cept functional AboutPageCept
The above command creates the AboutPageCept.php file under the tests/codeception/functional folder. In this functional test, we are going to check whether our about page exists.
Step 1 − Modify the AboutPageCept.php file.
<?php $I = new FunctionalTester($scenario); $I->wantTo( perform actions and see result ); $I->amOnPage( site/about ); $I->see( about ); $I->dontSee( apple ); ?>
In the above given code, we checked whether we are on the about page. Obviously, we should see the word about and no apple on the page.
Step 2 − Run the test via.
run functional AboutPageCept
You will see the following output −
![Run Unit Tests](/yii/images/run_unit_tests.jpg)