- Gii – Generating Module
- Gii – Generating Controller
- Gii – Creating a Model
- Yii - Gii
- Yii - Localization
- Yii - Authorization
- Yii - Authentication
- Yii - Error Handling
- Yii - Logging
- Yii - Aliases
- Yii - Fragment Caching
- Yii - Caching
- Yii - Testing
- Yii - Fields
- Yii - RESTful APIs in Action
- Yii - RESTful APIs
- Yii - Theming
- Yii - Database Migration
- Yii - Active Record
- Yii - Query Builder
- Yii - Data Access Objects
- Yii - Database Access
- Yii - Dependency Injection
- Yii - Configurations
- Yii - Creating a Behavior
- Yii - Behaviors
- Yii - Creating Event
- Yii - Events
- Yii - GridView Widget
- Yii - ListView Widget
- Yii - Data Widgets
- Yii - Data Providers
- Yii - Properties
- Yii - Sorting
- Yii - Pagination
- Yii - Formatting
- Yii - Files Upload
- Yii - Using Cookies
- Yii - Cookies
- Yii - Using Flash Data
- Yii - Sessions
- Yii - AJAX Validation
- Yii - Ad Hoc Validation
- Yii - Validation
- Yii - HTML Forms
- Yii - Rules of URL
- Yii - URL Routing
- Yii - URL Formats
- Yii - Responses
- Yii - HTTP Requests
- Yii - Creating Extensions
- Yii - Extensions
- Yii - Asset Conversion
- Yii - Assets
- Yii - Layouts
- Yii - Views
- Yii - Modules
- Yii - Widgets
- Yii - Models
- Yii - Using Actions
- Yii - Using Controllers
- Yii - Controllers
- Yii - Entry Scripts
- Yii - Application Structure
- Yii - Create Page
- Yii - Installation
- Yii - Overview
- Yii - Home
Yii Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Yii - Query Builder
Query builder allows you to create SQL queries in a programmatic way. Query builder helps you write more readable SQL-related code.
To use query builder, you should follow these steps −
Build an yiidbQuery object.
Execute a query method.
To build an yiidbQuery object, you should call different query builder functions to define different parts of an SQL query.
Step 1 − To show a typical usage of the query builder, modify the actionTestDb method this way.
pubpc function actionTestDb() { //generates "SELECT id, name, email FROM user WHERE name = User10 ;" $user = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->where([ name => User10 ]) ->one(); var_dump($user); }
Step 2 − Go to http://localhost:8080/index.php?r=site/test-db, you will see the following output.
![Query Builder](/yii/images/query_builder.jpg)
Where() function
The where() function defines the WHERE fragment of a query. To specify a WHERE condition, you can use three formats.
string format − name = User10
hash format − [ name => User10 , email => user10@gmail.com ]
operator format − [ pke , name , User ]
Example of String format
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $user = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->where( name = :name , [ :name => User11 ]) ->one(); var_dump($user); }
Following will be the output.
![String Format Example Output](/yii/images/string_format_example_output.jpg)
Example of Hash format
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $user = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->where([ name => User5 , email => user5@gmail.com ]) ->one(); var_dump($user); }
Following will be the output.
![Hash Format Example Output](/yii/images/hash_format_example_output.jpg)
Operator format allows you to define arbitrary conditions in the following format −
[operator, operand1, operand2]
The operator can be −
and − [ and , id = 1 , id = 2 ] will generate id = 1 AND id = 2 or: similar to the and operator
between − [ between , id , 1, 15] will generate id BETWEEN 1 AND 15
not between − similar to the between operator, but BETWEEN is replaced with NOT BETWEEN
in − [ in , id , [5,10,15]] will generate id IN (5,10,15)
not in − similar to the in operator, but IN is replaced with NOT IN
pke − [ pke , name , user ] will generate name LIKE %user%
or pke − similar to the pke operator, but OR is used to sppt the LIKE predicates
not pke − similar to the pke operator, but LIKE is replaced with NOT LIKE
or not pke − similar to the not pke operator, but OR is used to concatenate the NOT LIKE predicates
exists − requires one operand which must be an instance of the yiidbQuery class
not exists − similar to the exists operator, but builds a NOT EXISTS (subquery) expression
<, <=, >, >=, or any other DB operator: [ < , id , 10] will generate id<10
Example of Operator format
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $users = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->where([ between , id , 5, 7]) ->all(); var_dump($users); }
Following will be the output.
![Operator Format Example Output](/yii/images/operator_format_example_output.jpg)
OrderBy() Function
The orderBy() function defines the ORDER BY fragment.
Example −
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $users = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->orderBy( name DESC ) ->all(); var_dump($users); }
Following will be the output.
![OrderBy Function Example Output](/yii/images/orderby_function_example_output.jpg)
groupBy() Function
The groupBy() function defines the GROUP BY fragment, while the having() method specifies the HAVING fragment.
Example −
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $users = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->groupBy( name ) ->having( id < 5 ) ->all(); var_dump($users); }
Following will be the output.
![groupBy Function Example Output](/yii/images/groupby_function_example_output.jpg)
The pmit() and offset() methods defines the LIMIT and OFFSET fragments.
Example −
pubpc function actionTestDb() { $users = (new yiidbQuery()) ->select([ id , name , email ]) ->from( user ) ->pmit(5) ->offset(5) ->all(); var_dump($users); }
You can see the following output −
![Limit Offset Fragments](/yii/images/pmit_offset_fragments.jpg)
The yiidbQuery class provides a set of methods for different purposes −
all() − Returns an array of rows of name-value pairs.
one() − Returns the first row.
column() − Returns the first column.
scalar() − Returns a scalar value from the first row and first column of the result.
exists() − Returns a value indicating whether the query contains any result
count() Returns the result of a COUNT query
other aggregation query methods − Includes sum($q), average($q), max($q), min($q). The $q parameter can be either a column name or a DB expression.