W3.CSS Tutorial
Selected Reading
- W3.CSS - Discussion
- W3.CSS - Useful Resources
- W3.CSS - Quick Guide
- W3.CSS - Utilities
- W3.CSS - Navigation
- W3.CSS - Colors
- W3.CSS - Icons
- W3.CSS - Images
- W3.CSS - Lists
- W3.CSS - Tables
- W3.CSS - Modal Dialog
- W3.CSS - Tooltips
- W3.CSS - Buttons
- W3.CSS - Forms
- W3.CSS - Grids
- W3.CSS - Responsive Design
- W3.CSS - Cards
- W3.CSS - Code Coloring
- W3.CSS - Containers
- W3.CSS - Environment Setup
- W3.CSS - Overview
- W3.CSS - Home
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- Who is Who
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- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
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W3.CSS - Tooltips
W3.CSS - Tooltips
W3.CSS supports a different kind of tooltip using w3-tooltip class. Take a look at the following example. Here we ve put a tooltiptext within a span and an image and appped w3- tooltip on the parent span.
<span class = "w3-tooltip"> <span class = "w3-text w3-container w3-teal" style = "width:255px;"> <p>Learn HTML5 in simply easy way @TutorialsPoint.com</p> </span> <span> <img src = "html5-mini-logo.jpg" alt = "html5"> </span> </span>
<html> <head> <title>The W3.CSS Tooltips</title> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1"> <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://www.w3schools.com/pb/w3.css"> </head> <body class = "w3-container"> <h2>Hover Demo</h2> <span class = "w3-tooltip"> <span class = "w3-text w3-container w3-teal" style = "width:255px;"> <p>Learn HTML5 in simply easy way @TutorialsPoint.com</p> </span> <span> <img src = "html5-mini-logo.jpg" alt = "html5"> </span> </span> </body> </html>
Verify the result.