W3.CSS Tutorial
Selected Reading
- W3.CSS - Discussion
- W3.CSS - Useful Resources
- W3.CSS - Quick Guide
- W3.CSS - Utilities
- W3.CSS - Navigation
- W3.CSS - Colors
- W3.CSS - Icons
- W3.CSS - Images
- W3.CSS - Lists
- W3.CSS - Tables
- W3.CSS - Modal Dialog
- W3.CSS - Tooltips
- W3.CSS - Buttons
- W3.CSS - Forms
- W3.CSS - Grids
- W3.CSS - Responsive Design
- W3.CSS - Cards
- W3.CSS - Code Coloring
- W3.CSS - Containers
- W3.CSS - Environment Setup
- W3.CSS - Overview
- W3.CSS - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
W3.CSS - Forms
W3.CSS - Forms
W3.CSS has a very beautiful and responsive CSS for form designing. The following CSS are used −
Sr. No. | Class Name & Description |
1 | w3-group Represents a bordered container. Can be used to group a label and input. |
2 | w3-input Beautifies an input control. |
3 | w3-label Beautifies a label. |
4 | w3-checkbox w3-checkmark Beautify a checkbox/ radio button. |
<html> <head> <title>The W3.CSS Forms</title> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1"> <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://www.w3schools.com/pb/w3.css"> </head> <body> <form class = "w3-container w3-card-8"> <span class = "w3-group"> <input class = "w3-input" type = "text" style = "width:90%" required> <label class = "w3-label">User Name</label> </span> <span class = "w3-group"> <input class = "w3-input" type = "text" style = "width:90%" required> <label class = "w3-label">Email</label> </span> <span class = "w3-group"> <textarea class = "w3-input" style = "width:90%" required></textarea> <label class = "w3-label">Comments</label> </span> <span class = "w3-row"> <span class = "w3-half"> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "checkbox" checked = "checked"> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Married </label> <br> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "checkbox"> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Single </label> <br> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "checkbox" disabled> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Don t know (Disabled) </label> <br> <br> </span> <span class = "w3-half"> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "male" checked> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Male </label> <br> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "female"> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Female </label> <br> <label class = "w3-checkbox"> <input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "female" disabled> <span class = "w3-checkmark"></span> Don t know (Disabled) </label> </span> </span> </form> </body> </html>
Verify the result.