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TurboGears - Crud Operations
  • 时间:2025-02-19

TurboGears – CRUD Operations

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The following session methods perform CRUD Operations −

    DBSession.add(model object) − inserts a record into mapped table.

    DBSession.delete(model object) − deletes record from the table.

    DBSession.query(model).all() − retrieves all the records from table (corresponding to a SELECT query).

You can apply filter to the retrieved record set by using a filter attribute. For instance, in order to retrieve records with city = ’Hyderabad’ in students table, use the following statement −

DBSession.query(model.student).filter_by(city = ’Hyderabad’).all()

We shall now see how to interact with the models through controller URLs.

First let us design a ToscaWidgets form for entering the student’s data


import tw2.core as twc
import tw2.forms as twf

class StudentForm(twf.Form):
   class child(twf.TableLayout):
      name = twf.TextField(size = 20)
      city = twf.TextField()
      address = twf.TextArea("",rows = 5, cols = 30)
      pincode = twf.NumberField()

   action =  /save_record 
   submit = twf.SubmitButton(value =  Submit )

In the RootController (root.py of Hello apppcation), add the following function mapping ‘/add’ URL −

from hello.controllers.studentform import StudentForm

class RootController(BaseController):
   @expose( hello.templates.studentform )
   def add(self, *args, **kw):
      return dict(page= studentform , form = StudentForm)

Save the following HTML code as studentform.html in the templates folder −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
   xmlns:py = "http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
   lang = "en">
      <title>Student Registration Form</title>
      <span id = "getting_started">
         ${form.display(value = dict(title =  Enter data ))}


Enter http://localhost:8080/add in the browser after starting the server. The following Student information form will open up in the browser −


The above form is designed to be submitted to the ‘/save_record’ URL. Hence a save_record() function needs to be added in the root.py to expose it. The data from the studentform is received by this function as a dict() object. It is used to add a new record in the student table underlying student model.

#@vapdate(form = AdmissionForm, error_handler = index1)

def save_record(self, **kw):
   newstudent = student(name = kw[ name ],city = kw[ city ],
      address = kw[ address ], pincode = kw[ pincode ])
   flash(message = "new entry added successfully")

Please note that after the successful addition, the browser will be redirected to ‘/pstrec’ URL. This URL is exposed by a pstrec() function. This function selects all records in the student table and sends them in the form of a dict object to the studentpst.html template. This pstrec() function is as follows −

@expose ("hello.templates.studentpst")
def pstrec(self):
   entries = DBSession.query(student).all()
   return dict(entries = entries)

The studentpst.html template iterates through the entries dictionary object using py:for directive. The studentpst.html template is as follows −

<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
   xmlns:py = "http://genshi.edgewall.org/">
      <pnk rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" media = "screen" 
         href = "${tg.url( /css/style.css )}" />
      <title>Welcome to TurboGears</title>
      <h1>Welcome to TurboGears</h1>
      <py:with vars = "flash = tg.flash_obj.render( flash , use_js = False)">
         <span py:if = "flash" py:replace = "Markup(flash)" />
      <h2>Current Entries</h2>
      <table border =  1 >
            <py:for each = "entry in entries">

Now revisit the http://localhost:8080/add and enter data in the form. By cpcking on the submit button, it will take the browser to studentpst.html. It will also flash a ‘new record added successfully’ message.

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